Ryme Intrinseca wrote:The rate of fire on the ScR is 705.9RPM. This is beyond human limitations and only achievable using a turbo controller or mouse macros. See video
here for demonstration (credit to Boba's Fett of Dead Man's Game).
Turbo makes the scrambler a 800DPS fully automatic long range rifle, an absurdly overpowered weapon. It makes a mockery of otherwise effective recent attempts to achieve a DPS/range trade-off - it has near twice the DPS and range of an AR, for instance.
I suggest that you remove this exploit by bringing the ScR RoF down to humanly achievable levels. Somewhere around 500RPM would remove the turbo controller advantage without impacting non-turbo users, as they can not exceed this RoF anyway. For more discussion see
EDIT - You'll notice from the video that turbo also seems to decrease heat build up. The player gets 18 shots off with turbo and 16 without. A lower RoF would probably deal with the heat build up issue as well as the DPS issue.
As a note, I've tested out the turbo style triggers on many weapons.
-Scrambler is the biggest culprit in receiving a huge benefit from it.
-The Assault Rifle will outperform many other rifles using a turbo trigger because there is no kick or dispersion at it's extreme range and thus it kills faster.
-The combat rifle receives the least benefit as the higher rate of fire was already accounted for in it's design by the lower damage per round, so most of it's benefit is less kick/recoil based.
-The SMG benefits mainly from receiving less kick.
-the HMG benefit slightly from less kick, but it benefits significantly from less heat buildup.
-The small and heavy blasters turrets do benefit. They don't get a significant increase in rate of fire, but they do benefit from less heat build up.
The rail rifle does not benefit from this because it has a "charge up" time and will not function with most turbo triggers. I say this as a point of example for how to design a way to defeat the turbo trigger if such is desired at all.
But I must point out one more thing. In a world where many people that play games could have physical handicaps, things like turbo trigger mechanisms, being able to remap buttons or keys, using devices like mouse and keyboard, are what allow them to play at all. Solely looking at some of these things as "cheater" devices is WRONG. They are just a different interface. And since God did not create everyone equal, not everyone can use the same control pad as well as another person. (Especially since all game console control pads were made to dimension suited for children and NOT adults.)