Well you found a way around DNS. Congratulations. Way to pull together. I didn't expect you guys to make it this far. However, it's a shame that no one can actually defeat what most would refer to as: "The bad guys". The reality is that everyone will return to PC and be happy for a few weeks to a few months, at most...and then, the same thing will happen again. Unfortunately, the problem is the same people who pulled together to get rid off DNS. Which again, good job and well played, but most of you will help build the next "Donut". This whole taking over MH thing has happened several times in the past and will continue to happen over and over again and this is why...
As of right now, districts are being let go/ sold. In the next few days, the leaders of ERA/TP/etc. will make billions more. Some of their isk will come from selling districts while more will come from ringing over the next few months. How do you think Kain has gotten this far and powerful? It's because their is such a high demand for vengeance/protection. These smaller corps will have fun playing in PC and inheret a few of their own districts, then some better corp will attack them and they will lose their district. Now, they will either shake their enemies hand or...let's be realistic, they will be mad and want their own district again. Because if they don't own a district and participate in PC, then that kinda brings boredom to the game and defeats the purpose of what you guys pulled together and accomplished. So, the WILL hire guys like TP/Kain ringers in general. This is the never ending cycle in which no one can defeat.
Now, there are a few things going in the communities' favor atm. One of which would be the fact that alot of the "Vets" have left the game, leveling the playing-field a bit. But, not to the point where we can expect to see a balance in PC. I'm sorry if alot of you guys hated Kain and DNS, but the only person you should blame is yourselves. In fact, you made a move, so desperate for PC, that you have given Kain more wealth and power. As someone stated in one of the comments above, " In order to kill the beast, you must cut off it's head" and unfortunately, no one can touch Kain through Dust. It would have been a more productive move if you had made coordinated attacks, where both sides showed up with full teams. You then could have costed Kain/ERA alot of isk and proved that you were the better team. What happened this morning was just funny, with both sides struggling to field 30 PC matches at 8am.
Anyway, in conclusion...I am not taking any sides on this matter, rather focusing on the real problem with big alliance's and PC inequality. I was excited about facing AE and others, but the hate towards Kain, exceeded the desire for great PC matches and what everyone saw this morning, was the product of that hatred. Bottom Line-if you are a small corp/player, your going to have to get over the whole, "Big Alliances ruining PC" thing, because it is always going to happen. So in the mean-time, enjoy PC while it lasts and some advice, join a big alliance or retire from Dust. These are the only two options. I give this time of peace....

.....maybe 5 weeks before they come knocking on your door again. o7