The Black Jackal
The Southern Legion Final Resolution.
Posted - 2014.05.06 23:20:00 -
[1] - Quote
PoP SoTa wrote:Are you our representatives or are you the representatives to CCP's desire for FPS?
I just can't seem to grasp why you guys are pushing towards Legion so hard when it's just a 'prototype'
For something not even green lit - there's way too much focus on transfers. You guys want to bail that quick to PC?
And, please, don't throw me that line of, "But it'll come to PS4 eventually!"
What community representative would be cool with seeing it's community torn in half for a game that could literally be called it's duplicate?
If CPM were really looking out for us - why are they not pushing for the PC release to be held back until there's a PS4 port so we can all hop over together at same time?
Logically, I just see this as CPM betraying us. They argue me just tunnel vision and blind - but they seem to forget I'm not looking towards a new game, I only care about what's here in front of me, not some 'if' dream of tomorrow. I care about the COMMUNITY of today.
What matters is here and now.
So what is it CPM and Candidates, are you trust worthy to us Console goers? Because you guys all look pretty slimy right now.
Smoking gun and pitchforks here. An often heralded quote of mine with regards to the CPM is "You influence what you can, aiming for the best, but doing what you can with what you get." Most candidates, myself included, were hoping for a PC / PS4 Port simultaneously, but what we got was a pure PC port.
It's not ideal, but it was necessary to get DUST off the PS3 and onto something more likely to sustain it for the foreseeable future. Even most consolers I've spoken to agree to this.
I'm in agreement that sidelining DUST for something not even green lit by CCP (though I'm fairly certain that's mostly legal, cover-our-arse terminology that the devs have been forced to use) is a bad move. However, the more support we get for Project Legion, the more likely it will be that it will be green lit, and development can move forward. Onto the PS4 issue. Sony has procedures that can inhibit the development of games. It's not Sony's fault, they do it to protect their assets, servers, and so forth. But it hinders ongoing projects like DUST 514, and Legion, while the PC is a slate that CCP can use, change, alter, tweak at will. Resulting in a faster development process, more updates, faster hotfixes, and speedier connections since there's no PSN interference or authentication.
That being said, the PC is x86 architecture, as is the new PS4. While developing a game on PS4 would be held in line by procedural roadblocks, development on PC wold not, thus, once CCP has a well-working PC Shooter, a Port to PS4 will come a lot easier, and development can slow down to account for PlayStation Vetting Processes. Until then, it's best to give them as much leeway to change what they want as much as they want, without having to vet the process.
Now. While not ideal, Legion is what we have got, and once you see through the haze of red, the possibilities that come forth are staggering. Things that were all but impossible on PS3 (larger matches, Player Markets, and so much more) are now capable of being realised. Things people have been wanting for DUST since the beginning, but are all but undeliverable on an old system like the PS3 can be implemented, and much better implemented.
I maintain that the ideal would have been to dual release, but I also see the flip side and see why they didn't. I will be pushing to have a PS4 release within a short span of time after the PC release to ensure that CCP never forgets that consolers have a place in New Eden. This is the one and only promise that i can make, that I WILL push for a PS4 client ASAP. But I will not advocate such a client until such time as the PC version is stable, performing well, and has the capacity to have it's development slowed by vetting processes without impacting the game negatively.
We need to learn from the mistakes DUST 514 made by attempting to develop something so new on the fly on console. It doesn't work, it wont work, and we're better off getting something working great, and moving it to the console. But I will again state, that I do not plan to have Consoler's left in the dust (excuse the pun).
I also plan on having as much as is humanly possible from the Legion development put into DUST, even if only as a testbed for assets, so that DUST will at least be comparable in 'shooting people in the face' gameplay to Legion.
Once you go Black, you just never go back!

The Black Jackal
The Southern Legion Final Resolution.
Posted - 2014.05.07 00:37:00 -
[2] - Quote
PoP SoTa wrote: Excellent post.
I just have one question: What point is CPM to Dust? Do we really need Reps for such a small resourced project?
With Legion being in development and has no date for release and Dust being down-graded, it seems to me that CPM has now turned into a position coveted by people simply wanting to feel special, as you don't need CPM to post in the Feedback/suggestion/ideas section of the forums - where CCP should be getting a lot of there ideas for balances and tweaks (Is that even a term in CCP language? lol)
If there's no major content for us coming - I don't see the value of CPM anymore - why should there be a new election?
I can certainly see your point.
The fact is that despite there being no major content coming for DUST 514, and I'll debate what is major or not with CCP whether I get on the CPM or not, the CPM will still act as it always has. A filter, a gatherer of resources, and representative of the community. The CPM is a 'direct line' so to speak and after the debacle at Fanfest, the CPM has more influence than ever because they were right.
Forums are a great source of information, and CCP does regularly check them, but the CPM can in a lot of cases, live and breathe them, IRC chats, Skype Chats, and more. Personally talking to players in game, out of game, where CCP Developers will have their hands full for the most part developing the actual game.
The CPM, allegedly, will also consult on the development of Legion itself. Now, I'm sure I don't have to point out that having the community directly involved with development of a game is HUGE, but developers can't take information for everyone... it's practically impossible. As stated above, they do have to develop the game as well. So The CPM acts as an information gathering resource, a filtering system, and an entity to coherently and conclusively present the ideas they gather to CCP directly. Whether face-to-face or via Skype / IRC / other Online Applications.
Face-to-face contact is a huge advantage in presenting ideas, as people respond more to that, than they do to online suggestions.
There are a lot of great ideas out there, even the guys with few 'likes' come up with a lot. Unfortunately, they tend to get buried quickly by other ideas, flaming, trolling, QQ, and so on and so forth. Community Managers for CCP have enough hardships digging through that, at the very least, having extra hands on deck to help sort out the good ideas from the rest of the stuff is worth electing people for.
The inevitable question I guess comes from this is, "What makes you think that you know what a good idea is compared to xxx?"
This simple question is exactly the reason we have elections. Candidates present their views, opinions, thought processes, and so on and then the community decides if they are capable of presenting CCP with the 'right' ideas and not the 'horrible' ideas.
As I stated in previous post, DUST did get somewhat shafted in this transition. It wasn't intentional, but it is what happened, and compensation can only go so far, so in reference to my own goals. Bringing as much of the Legion experience to DUST is a central part of what I want to do for DUST 514 on the CPM. In addition, making Legion the game we all hoped and believed DUST 514 would be in the future.
Once you go Black, you just never go back!