CCP Rouge wrote:Hi everyone. Me again.
Why PC first? For a few different reasons... It's a scalable platform. We can go high spec for the most demanding players in terms of Gfx, but we can also scale down to low/mid spec to get critical mass. It's also a good platform for the early stage of a project like ours. You can test and balance the game and the economy quite easily with fast turn-arounds. We can set people up in testing environments easily (eg. ISD in EVE). If you've seen the "CCP Presents" presentation on Saturday at Fanfest, there was a talk about CCP refocusing on its core tech competency, which is PC. It allows in the future the creation of a "universe" of products on the same platform. Again, this doesn't mean that we're not going back to console at one point but we need to focus on one thing at a time and deliver an awesome game, then things get easier.
Now I'd like to address (or repeat) something important for me. I know that a lot of you have been really disappointed and wanted to see much more on the future of DUST 514 in its current form and I absolutely understand that feeling. But the reality is that, while it's a great shooter, I repeat that it's not the base that can give us another EVE Online with 10+ years of epic battles where players can have a great experience whether solo, as the head of the deadliest squad or largest corp in the game. Give people the right tools to manage/achieve all that. A much clearer user experience that opens up that huge universe, always discover new stuff to shoot, to loot, to sell... A social experience where corps can advertise/recruit easily, where you see the main chat going crazy with people asking for groups, selling stuff, talking ****. Some of the stuff that makes me feel like I am in an MMO. All of these aren't tweaks, they are features forming a new eco-system for the game, a foundation you can then build on. No doubt that DUST 514 is a large piece of that foundation. We've accomplished so much and I've had a ton of fun every day since beta but it is not there yet. It requires a lot of work of course but also a different approach in how we design and execute on that vision. I can go on and on about how I see this evolve but we'll cover in more depth as we start sharing ideas and designs through dev blogs and such.
Dust Veteran.