This is actually developing into a really good thread on "cloaking".
I am against Cloaking of any kind, and have always been against it in previous games. I think it's a fantasy toy that was inspired in players by the Romulans in Star Trek, and has always become a nuissance toy that gives the user-player satisfaction pestering the opponent players, or gives the user-player an upper hand at increasing her kill-rate without risking her life in an open fight.... but DOESN'T give the user any solid means of improving her winning a match. It's never been regulated in a game to become an honorable "tool" for overthrowing an adversary and winning a match.
BUT.... I am hoping Dust can introduce cloak-equipment for the individual in a way that finally makes a cloak a useful tool for winning battles, not just a troublemaker gag that players annoy you with. I AM trying to give cloaking a fair chance to be something.
I don't want cloaking vehicles to be provided to us as a way of giving new powers to our IDVs (Improvised Detonation Vehicle...please let's stop spreading the j-jeep phrase---it's out of jargon with the game)------because I don't want IDVs to become our IRREPLACEABLE way of dealing with the goofy HAV problem we are having.

I know, that sounds all twisty-brained. I mean this:
We need to hold out, and continue to complain about the HAV problem until it gets a proper long-term fix---I'd hate for us to get accustomed to the HAV problem and get too reliant on the explosives-LAV as the intended Dust-Solution.
I fully enjoy the IDV because it shows players using their noodles to adapt and improvise cool means of destruction in these matches, but if we get new devices to enhance/protect our IDVs, we'll generate a whole stale population of relentless IDV driving. I'd like to see the IDV as a constantly difficult and risky ploy, so we are constantly tempted to find regularly NEW improvisations for destroying someone.
RISK is the factor I want to see always running through Dust, like it seems to in Eve Online.
Anything that makes us somewhat nervous about commiting our expensive new suit to the next gunfight, gets my endorsement.
Anything that starts to eleviate our anxiety about risking our valueable gear, is a thing I am against!
That's one of the reasons I was against "Cloaks" of any kind in Dust---too many players will only use it as a free gift to come over and attack YOU because the cloak arguably erases the risk of THEM losing anything.
I understand and accept that cloaking is not some new thing in New Eden (big ships used it, and RDVs represent "cloaking componentry" being miniatturized/stabalized enough to bring it into a planet's atmosphere... ) Finally, okay, it's been miniaturized enough to make a rudimentary cloak-field for a person walking around. But PLEASE keep it rudimentary.
I'll put up with annoying cloak-boys for now, but PLEASE, no cloak DSs, cloak-HAVs, or cloak-Orbital Strikes, cloak-nades, cloak-installations, or cloak-CRUs, cloak-...