TrueXer0z wrote:I'll be honest. I have put about $100 into the game. To some people might say that is way too much. To others it is nothing. It is more then I have paid for any other game aside from Eve Online. In the beginning I was blindly supportive of CCP Dust 514 team. I can't count how many times I answered questions about how the game would progress. I would tell new players about some of the things that had been discussed by Devs. I told new players to keep at it, because this game has the potential to be like nothing they had ever played.
My devotion to the new player community in my eyes was only contested by one other who I worked very closely with. That person being Keval Longstride CEO of Dust University. We held lectures, created programs for new players to learn from and eased them into the New Eden Universe. Countless hours spent doing whatever we could to provide a well balanced learning environment. That in which had not been provided by CCP in any way.
It was only through the help of many others that we were able to do so. And, it was not easy with the mentality that most FPS gamers have. However, my drive to continue such activity has worn very thin. Why support a game or company that has ignored some of the biggest issues.
A friend said to me, and I agree with him. We are still in a stage of beta. CCP is not advertising its game for a lot of reasons, but one of them being that they know it isn't a finished product. They are using the current player base as test subjects. It doesn't matter to them if they lose each and every player currently playing the game over time. More will come and take their place. Down the road when we, the current community are long gone and have moved on and when the game is in a state where CCP don't feel embarrassed to present it to the public. That is when this game will truly grow. But, that is a long time from now. Years potentially with the current progress they have shown.
Why is it that we can not have strait answers? Why do we get the run around all the time? Why are the products pushed incomplete and poorly produced consistently? Why promote an interactive community when the people who have tried the hardest to help the community grow are ignored or passed over to cater to a small group of elitists who have only their own interests in mind?
The game should be fun. Yes, it should be difficult and unforgiving, but only in the proper venues. Destroying new players only hurts the game. If you are wanting competition then stop jumping from one winning corp to another. Stop being carebares and going blue with alliances because they are winning. When I look at dust charts I see 3 major corps all in the same alliance holding all of MH. Bunch of care bearing wanna be elitists. Not all you of course. Some of you are outstanding players and cool people. But, the people who jump from corp to corp to surround themselves with good players so they themselves don't get stomped. Then go and talk about how awesome they are when really they are just being carried...
Ok...went off topic....anyway...I want the game to be what it was supposed to be. A standalone FPSMMO that connects to Eve Online. CCP if you make the players of dust dependent on Eve players to get things done you will ruin this game beyond repair.
No you didn't go off topic .
Sounds about right .
Hell I put money into this game as well and my wife asks me , " Why do you spend money on something that does nothing but upset you , you use to have fun while you played but it's clear that you don't anymore . " and all I can do is just think to myself .. " She's right . "
It's like the community doesn't care as long as it has no effect upon them and the Dev's are just " too busy " to actively involve themselves .
I see blue tags on comical posts and when players ask real questions there isn't a tag to be found .