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yep derrith again
Shining Flame Amarr Empire
Posted - 2014.04.21 15:29:00 -
[211] - Quote
21yrOld Knight wrote:Damn this thread went off track.
you're famous.
Official DNS alt The official panty monk of FA.
The Attorney General
Posted - 2014.04.21 15:43:00 -
[212] - Quote
SHOOOOTER wrote: And now it arrives the one v one me bro.. You are so easily manipulated. Love the statement "motivate me" just curious what is the number you would need to be motivated? I'm sure it will be an entertaining amount please let us all know ?
Do you even have a gun suit brah?
Not that it would matter, you would never show.
Mouthpieces never do.
All that chatter, I would suspect your wallet has less than 11 digits you poor broke bastard.
You have already seen my gun suit from your death screen, many times.
Mr. Hybrid Vayu.
Posted - 2014.04.21 16:09:00 -
[213] - Quote
The Attorney General wrote:SHOOOOTER wrote: And now it arrives the one v one me bro.. You are so easily manipulated. Love the statement "motivate me" just curious what is the number you would need to be motivated? I'm sure it will be an entertaining amount please let us all know ?
Do you even have a gun suit brah?
Not that it would matter, you would never show. Mouthpieces never do. All that chatter, I would suspect your wallet has less than 11 digits you poor broke bastard. You have already seen my gun suit from your death screen, many times. I'd bet that a ******** gorilla could beat you
This is how you sound...
The Scrublord General wrote:What the **** did you just ******* say about me, you little *****? IGÇÖll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and IGÇÖve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and IGÇÖm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the **** out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my ******* words. You think you can get away with saying that **** to me over the Internet? Think again, ******. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. YouGÇÖre ******* dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and thatGÇÖs just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little ****. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little GÇ£cleverGÇ¥ comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your ******* tongue. But you couldnGÇÖt, you didnGÇÖt, and now youGÇÖre paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will **** fury all over you and you will drown in it. YouGÇÖre ******* dead, kiddo.
How to Leave PC
Posted - 2014.04.21 16:10:00 -
[214] - Quote
21yrOld Knight wrote:Damn this thread went off track.
well you can only talk about DDB for so long till you realise its a waste of time trying to get fights out of them. i think people are just trying to find a weak link in DNS so we can breach back into PC with these horrible clone pacs. but we are used to getting ready to flip a district then the batphone saves someone. i think some of the newer corps that are attacking DNS don't realise that this is how PC all ways was your going to be fighting the same 40 or 50 people no matter who you attack and until you can beat them its going to be hard to make any head way in PC.
The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy, but does not allow the enemy"s will to be imposed upon him. Sun Tzu
Posted - 2014.04.21 16:12:00 -
[215] - Quote
Here's my take in all of this
I do believe the Miami Heats will make it to the finals again due to the weak Eastern conference. The team I have coming out of the Western playoffs is Okc Thunders. I believe they are clicking and also made the biggest impression thus far in the playoffs. |
Gildart Lightray
Eternal Beings Proficiency V.
Posted - 2014.04.21 16:17:00 -
[216] - Quote
KaoticKrusader wrote:Here's my take in all of this I do believe the Miami Heats will make it to the finals again due to the weak Eastern conference. The team I have coming out of the Western playoffs is Okc Thunders. I believe they are clicking and also made the biggest impression thus far in the playoffs.
I ain't got time for sports with so much DUST to play!
Need to find me? I'll be in "Gildarts Cave"
Pradox One Proficiency V.
Posted - 2014.04.21 16:25:00 -
[217] - Quote
Gildart Lightray wrote:KaoticKrusader wrote:Here's my take in all of this I do believe the Miami Heats will make it to the finals again due to the weak Eastern conference. The team I have coming out of the Western playoffs is Okc Thunders. I believe they are clicking and also made the biggest impression thus far in the playoffs. I ain't got time for sports with so much DUST to play! did you at least watch battle between St. louis and Montreal last night?
I don't act myself on the forums. So anything I say should not be taken seriously m8
The Phoenix Federation Caps and Mercs
Posted - 2014.04.21 17:43:00 -
[218] - Quote
DaNizzle4shizle wrote:Gildart Lightray wrote:KaoticKrusader wrote:Here's my take in all of this I do believe the Miami Heats will make it to the finals again due to the weak Eastern conference. The team I have coming out of the Western playoffs is Okc Thunders. I believe they are clicking and also made the biggest impression thus far in the playoffs. I ain't got time for sports with so much DUST to play! did you at least watch battle between St. louis and Montreal last night?
Beautiful game !!!!!
Proud member and Director of The Phoenix Federation
I don't go by chubby.. They call me the Hulk around here.
Poncho Polous
The Phoenix Federation
Posted - 2014.04.21 17:51:00 -
[219] - Quote
DaNizzle4shizle wrote:Gildart Lightray wrote:KaoticKrusader wrote:Here's my take in all of this I do believe the Miami Heats will make it to the finals again due to the weak Eastern conference. The team I have coming out of the Western playoffs is Okc Thunders. I believe they are clicking and also made the biggest impression thus far in the playoffs. I ain't got time for sports with so much DUST to play! did you at least watch battle between St. louis and Montreal last night? Canadiens are going down!
The Senators will find a way to win the playoff this year (without even being in them :[ )
CEO The Phoenix Federation
''DDB chooses AE!
throws pokeball
AE uses Super Ringer Attack!
It's super effective!!!''
21yrOld Knight
Pradox XVI Proficiency V.
Posted - 2014.04.21 18:19:00 -
[220] - Quote
yep derrith again wrote:21yrOld Knight wrote:Damn this thread went off track.
you're famous.
Of course I am! The forum Golf Oscar Delta Mike Ruan said I was, but thank you for recognizing my greatness'.
Mike Ruan Said I was Dust Famous
General John Ripper Said I was Dust Famous
Who else thinks I'm Famous?
Poncho Polous
The Phoenix Federation
Posted - 2014.04.21 19:48:00 -
[221] - Quote
CEO The Phoenix Federation
''DDB chooses AE!
throws pokeball
AE uses Super Ringer Attack!
It's super effective!!!''
The Attorney General
Posted - 2014.04.21 20:07:00 -
[222] - Quote
Killar-12 wrote: Insane ramblings from a loser.
Just wow. You need some help Killar. Both in the trolling and gungame departments.
Mr. Hybrid Vayu.
Fatal Absolution Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.04.21 20:32:00 -
[223] - Quote
SHOOOOTER wrote:yep derrith again wrote:Atiim wrote:SHOOOOTER wrote: So you agree you suck and tankers are the easy way to be a pub star? Like I said you have no actually gun game so you hide in a tank and talk down to people who have much more actual skill than yourself.lulz
I love a good tanker bashing as much as the next guy, but please keep that stuff in General Discussions. I like to bash hobo loyalists, but you don't see me going to their turf on the forums to do it....... that often. Shut up Derrith you post too much in all threads Rude much?
"Hiding will be seen as an act of aggression!" - Battlefield 3
Me: lol what?
Fatal Absolution Director #10
21yrOld Knight
Pradox XVI Proficiency V.
Posted - 2014.04.21 20:37:00 -
[224] - Quote
Palatinate wrote:SHOOOOTER wrote:yep derrith again wrote:Atiim wrote:SHOOOOTER wrote: So you agree you suck and tankers are the easy way to be a pub star? Like I said you have no actually gun game so you hide in a tank and talk down to people who have much more actual skill than yourself.lulz
I love a good tanker bashing as much as the next guy, but please keep that stuff in General Discussions. I like to bash hobo loyalists, but you don't see me going to their turf on the forums to do it....... that often. Shut up Derrith you post too much in all threads Rude much?
Its actually
Much Rude So Mean Very Angry
Mike Ruan Said I was Dust Famous
General John Ripper Said I was Dust Famous
Who else thinks I'm Famous?
Fatal Absolution Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.04.21 20:44:00 -
[225] - Quote
Rude much?[/quote]
Its actually
Much Rude So Mean Very Angry
[/quote] Every time i see that i think of FA's beloved Catdog ( We call him Catdoge).
"Hiding will be seen as an act of aggression!" - Battlefield 3
Me: lol what?
Fatal Absolution Director #10
Posted - 2014.04.21 20:58:00 -
[226] - Quote
Roman837 wrote:
Who are you again? I guess my 38mill SP in Dust means nothing, even after missing more then 4 months of game play because of courses...ya...must mean I don't play. It would be closer to 45mill by now.
Yes I have kill boards, and Duna has a high spot in the leaderboards, you have neither.
I'm nobody, but I'm having fun and not getting butt hurt and falling victim to a troll, I've got ISK, I've got a few chars in DDB, I've got a decent thing going, I have help in high places and friends in low places, I'm not stupid though and you act like you're important, I might seem weird as a 0.0 pilot but the Individual doesn't matter in 99% of the time, as long as a person does what is needed then you're fine.
How to Leave PC
Benjamin Ciscko
Fatal Absolution
Posted - 2014.04.21 20:59:00 -
[227] - Quote
Palatinate wrote:Its actually
Much Rude So Mean Very Angry
Every time i see that i think of FA's beloved Catdog ( We call him Catdoge). [/quote] GûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûäGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûäGûæGûæGûæGûæ GûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûîGûÆGûêGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûäGûÇGûÆGûîGûæGûæGûæ GûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûîGûÆGûÆGûêGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûäGûÇGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÉGûæGûæGûæ GûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûÉGûäGûÇGûÆGûÆGûÇGûÇGûÇGûÇGûäGûäGûäGûÇGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÉGûæGûæGûæ GûæGûæGûæGûæGûæmuch RudeGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûêGûÆGûÆGûäGûêGûÆGûÉGûæGûæGûæ GûæGûæGûæGûäGûÇGûÆGûÆGûÆGûæGûæGûæGûÆGûÆGûÆGûæGûæGûæGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÇGûêGûêGûÇGûÆGûîGûæGûæGûæ GûæGûæGûÉGûÆGûÆGûÆGûäGûäGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûæGûæGûæGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÇGûäGûÆGûÆGûîGûæGûæ GûæGûæGûîGûæGûæGûîGûêGûÇGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûäGûÇGûêGûäGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûêGûÆGûÉGûæGûæ GûæGûÉGûæGûæGûæGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûîGûêGûêGûÇGûÆGûÆGûæGûæGûæGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÇGûäGûîGûæ GûæGûîGûæGûÆGûäGûêGûêGûäGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûîGûæ GûÇGûÆGûÇGûÉGûäGûêGûäGûêGûîGûäGûæGûÇGûÆGûÆGûæGûæSo MeanGûæGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÉGûæ GûÉGûÆGûÆGûÉGûÇGûÉGûÇGûÆGûæGûäGûäGûÆGûäGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûæGûÆGûæGûÆGûæGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûî GûÉGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÇGûÇGûäGûäGûÆGûÆGûÆGûäGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûæGûÆGûæGûÆGûæGûÆGûÆGûÉGûæ GûæGûîGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÇGûÇGûÇGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûæGûÆGûæGûÆGûæGûÆGûæGûÆGûÆGûÆGûîGûæ GûæGûÉGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆVery AngrylGûÆGûæGûÆGûæGûÆGûæGûÆGûÆGûäGûÆGûÆGûÉGûæGûæ GûæGûæGûÇGûäGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûæGûÆGûæGûÆGûæGûÆGûäGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûîGûæGûæ GûæGûæGûæGûæGûÇGûäGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûäGûäGûäGûÇGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûäGûÇGûæGûæGûæ GûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûÇGûäGûäGûäGûäGûäGûäGûÇGûÇGûÇGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûäGûäGûÇGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæ GûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÇGûÇGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæ Their Pal
ISK Donuts are delicious
Q_Q Moar
yep derrith again
Shining Flame Amarr Empire
Posted - 2014.04.21 21:08:00 -
[228] - Quote
Palatinate wrote:Its actually
Much Rude So Mean Very Angry
Every time i see that i think of FA's beloved Catdog ( We call him Catdoge). [/quote] I call him catbug, everyone just followed Zatara and calls him catdoge, it is and always will be catbug to me.
Official DNS alt The official panty monk of FA.
Texas Killionaire
Capital Acquisitions LLC Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.04.21 21:16:00 -
[229] - Quote
Gildart Lightray wrote:KaoticKrusader wrote:Here's my take in all of this I do believe the Miami Heats will make it to the finals again due to the weak Eastern conference. The team I have coming out of the Western playoffs is Okc Thunders. I believe they are clicking and also made the biggest impression thus far in the playoffs. I ain't got time for sports with so much DUST to play!
If you're not ready to lose, you're not ready to win.
Jello Biafra = God
The Phoenix Federation Caps and Mercs
Posted - 2014.04.21 21:22:00 -
[230] - Quote
For once in my life a coward is defending their cowardly act, usually they hang their head in shame. That shocked me
The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his -George S. Patton
yep derrith again
Shining Flame Amarr Empire
Posted - 2014.04.21 21:28:00 -
[231] - Quote
MythTanker wrote:For once in my life a coward is defending their cowardly act, usually they hang their head in shame. That shocked me You're off topic, we were discussing tanks, or blackjack, or hookers. I forget, but it is no longer what you're talking about.
Official DNS alt The official panty monk of FA.
21yrOld Knight
Pradox XVI Proficiency V.
Posted - 2014.04.21 21:29:00 -
[232] - Quote
Texas Killionaire wrote:Gildart Lightray wrote:KaoticKrusader wrote:Here's my take in all of this I do believe the Miami Heats will make it to the finals again due to the weak Eastern conference. The team I have coming out of the Western playoffs is Okc Thunders. I believe they are clicking and also made the biggest impression thus far in the playoffs. I ain't got time for sports with so much DUST to play! eewww... PX1...
You're eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww * Long Breath* wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww * faints then gets back up * wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Mike Ruan Said I was Dust Famous
General John Ripper Said I was Dust Famous
Who else thinks I'm Famous?
The Phoenix Federation Caps and Mercs
Posted - 2014.04.21 21:30:00 -
[233] - Quote
yep derrith again wrote:MythTanker wrote:For once in my life a coward is defending their cowardly act, usually they hang their head in shame. That shocked me You're off topic, we were discussing tanks, or blackjack, or hookers. I forget, but it is no longer what you're talking about. i like to think of it as the other way around
The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his -George S. Patton
Spartacus Dust
NECROM0NGERS Caps and Mercs
Posted - 2014.04.21 22:32:00 -
[234] - Quote
Roman837 wrote:Spartacus Dust- You beat our team...twice...TWICE...Like wow man. Are these your corps only victories...EVER? You are making a huge deal of it and it sad. Also, once again, noyou are an exaggerating ******, who is also one of this games biggest liars....and heres proof.
Just looked up your kill boards. Here is your stats-
Life time kills 169 Life time deaths 67 Isk Destroyed 7.13 Bill Isk Lost 3,75 bill This week you have killed 3..and died twice lol
Cesar Sousa stats.
Life time kills 219 Life time deaths 108 Isk Destroyed 155.78 Bill Isk Lost 2.97 Bill This week I have killed 74 and hve died 3 times.
All, I would just like to point out that this week alone I have destroyed over 4billion in ships. Want to check it out yourself? Go to google and type in EVE Killboards, then look up Cesar Sousa and then for a laugh look up Matthew Dust.
Matthew, where do you get your stats? It must be the same place you get the idea that you or your corp/alliance actually mean something. I will point out the obvious...since your a simple fella, your waaaayyyyy off.
Also, I love the fact, that you are using pirates fighting us as a bragging point, acting like somehow its a Victory for YOU. The only Dust related EVE pilots who are worth mentioning and commending are the fellas from General TSOs Alliance who are great pilots that bring fun fights. Much respect for them.
Matthew/Spartacus dust, do the entire New Eden Community a favor, Bio Mass all of your Dust/EVE characters and go back to playing a game you are good at, which now that I think of it just might be an impossible task so let me rephrase this sentence.
Go back to playing with your Pet rock, and licking windows
Check your facts again, also don't bring up how much your entire fleet destroyed and claim it as yours when all you did was damp or tackle, still 97 mil so and ur a tackle, you must suck at anything but clicking orbit.
Go ahead and say moron, idiot, and other name calling. doesnt change the fact you suck, have less kills then me, and have never solo killed anyone. You play Eve like your corp plays Dust, waiting for big brother to hold your hand, you are pathetic.
Twitter @Matthew_Dust
Executor of Caps and Mercs Alliance.
21yrOld Knight
Pradox XVI Proficiency V.
Posted - 2014.04.21 22:35:00 -
[235] - Quote
Spartacus Dust wrote:Roman837 wrote:Spartacus Dust- You beat our team...twice...TWICE...Like wow man. Are these your corps only victories...EVER? You are making a huge deal of it and it sad. Also, once again, noyou are an exaggerating ******, who is also one of this games biggest liars....and heres proof.
Just looked up your kill boards. Here is your stats-
Life time kills 169 Life time deaths 67 Isk Destroyed 7.13 Bill Isk Lost 3,75 bill This week you have killed 3..and died twice lol
Cesar Sousa stats.
Life time kills 219 Life time deaths 108 Isk Destroyed 155.78 Bill Isk Lost 2.97 Bill This week I have killed 74 and hve died 3 times.
All, I would just like to point out that this week alone I have destroyed over 4billion in ships. Want to check it out yourself? Go to google and type in EVE Killboards, then look up Cesar Sousa and then for a laugh look up Matthew Dust.
Matthew, where do you get your stats? It must be the same place you get the idea that you or your corp/alliance actually mean something. I will point out the obvious...since your a simple fella, your waaaayyyyy off.
Also, I love the fact, that you are using pirates fighting us as a bragging point, acting like somehow its a Victory for YOU. The only Dust related EVE pilots who are worth mentioning and commending are the fellas from General TSOs Alliance who are great pilots that bring fun fights. Much respect for them.
Matthew/Spartacus dust, do the entire New Eden Community a favor, Bio Mass all of your Dust/EVE characters and go back to playing a game you are good at, which now that I think of it just might be an impossible task so let me rephrase this sentence.
Go back to playing with your Pet rock, and licking windows your facts again, also don't bring up how much your entire fleet destroyed and claim it as yours when all you did was damp or tackle, still 97 mil so and ur a tackle, you must suck at anything but clicking orbit. Go ahead and say moron, idiot, and other name calling. doesnt change the fact you suck, have less kills then me, and have never solo killed anyone. You play Eve like your corp plays Dust, waiting for big brother to hold your hand, you are pathetic.
Wait, It couldn't be.
No, this is impossible.
Is, is , is this post on topic.
* Faints again *
Mike Ruan Said I was Dust Famous
General John Ripper Said I was Dust Famous
Who else thinks I'm Famous?
Spartacus Dust
NECROM0NGERS Caps and Mercs
Posted - 2014.04.21 22:37:00 -
[236] - Quote
To make things better you tried to talk smack infront of the whole community with poor facts. Guess your not only a bad pilot but a bad liar too.
Twitter @Matthew_Dust
Executor of Caps and Mercs Alliance.
Heaven's Lost Property Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.04.21 23:05:00 -
[237] - Quote
Removed inappropriate content - CCP Logibro
Dem Durrty Boyz Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.04.21 23:06:00 -
[238] - Quote
Check your facts again, also don't bring up how much your entire fleet destroyed and claim it as yours when all you did was damp or tackle, still 97 mil so and ur a tackle, you must suck at anything but clicking orbit.
Go ahead and say moron, idiot, and other name calling. doesnt change the fact you suck, have less kills then me, and have never solo killed anyone. You play Eve like your corp plays Dust, waiting for big brother to hold your hand, you are pathetic."
Facts are facts, I typed your name into EVE kill board, and I typed out your exact stats, yes sometimes, its outdated by 24 hours. So you gained 1 or 2 kills. have 1v1 lots of frigates and small ships, your my hero. Just shows how new you are to EVE, and how little you actually know...seeing as how you are talking down to ewar ships and tacklers. Shall we 1v1 in EVE? Your bring your BEST ship, I will bring MY BEST ship. We can DUEL so you don't have to be scared about people interfering. I will wager 1billion ISK I beat you. EVE Side Isk.
Sound like a date? Put your money and skills where your mouth is?
Maple Syrup Drinking Canadian, EVE Characters, Julius Romulus Liskus, Cesar Sousa
Gildart Lightray
Eternal Beings Proficiency V.
Posted - 2014.04.21 23:17:00 -
[239] - Quote
Texas Killionaire wrote:Gildart Lightray wrote:KaoticKrusader wrote:Here's my take in all of this I do believe the Miami Heats will make it to the finals again due to the weak Eastern conference. The team I have coming out of the Western playoffs is Okc Thunders. I believe they are clicking and also made the biggest impression thus far in the playoffs. I ain't got time for sports with so much DUST to play! eewww... PX1...
I'm sure you mispelled that. It's EB thank you very much.
Need to find me? I'll be in "Gildarts Cave"
Xander Mercy
Dem Durrty Boyz Dirt Nap Squad.
Posted - 2014.04.21 23:18:00 -
[240] - Quote
i really need to stop missing these pc's
I don't like the Amarr but boy do they have style
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