BurgezzE.T.F General Tso's Alliance
Posted - 2014.04.15 00:54:00 -
[1] - Quote
I will say stuff about
-Corporations. -The eve to dust connection. -What I think dust should be like. -Skill trees, weapons, modules, and equipment. -Some minor fixes that will just make the game more... Homely.
Corporations. They pretty much suck they're pretty much a way other people can keep track of you while taxing you. If we where to add something like when you play a game of planetary conquest there is a bonus to ISK gain, and corporations can change this tax rate apart from their normal tax rate Maybe we could have brackets, like more successful corporations could get even more ISK bonuses, so in top level planetary conquest you can get like 100-400 million ISK a game and your corp could tax like 10% like mine and make a ton, especially if you win. This will tie on something else in the post but corporation hangouts would allow corps to gather players before planetary conquest.
Eve's dust connection is terrible, ( and the bane of my existence ) war-barrages. There are a lot of things that can be added like drones simple thing I think that could work is clone drop drones or CDD and the adding assortments of other drones, so a simple tactic would be to set your CDD's to 1000m in the atmosphere, and your bombing drones at 500m so drones could free-fall onto of them. Another thing you could do is set a way-point drone for all the other drones to follow to lets say bomb a base or group of enemies.
Something else could also be falling from space installations ( and of course attacking them with "extreme prejudice" ) or close range bombardments for smaller class vessels for anti drone offence. Another good idea would be of course commander mode for titans and super carriers.
Maybe drop-mechs for tablets and phones for "Full Spectrum Battlefield Drones." I will cover these later.
But like eve I think the most promising thing you could do right now is add massive battles like the ones found in Eve.
Last thing we all want this Dust to Eve offence. Lets say hey, a fight is going on your corporation is "loosing" because you're corporation is seemingly taking heavy flack from a titan. So you call up a friend he says yes you pour him a lot of pretty pennies. This process would've taken 30 minutes but he already has it pre charged at lets loose this interstellar high density rail beam across 2 solar systems skimming its mark, and going down for the next 10 days. Pretty much bringing back the OP doomsday but its 100% focused hit instead. Or the fight is going on a little closer to home and you go through the same thing but instead its firing huge rounds from a titan sized gun. Instantly destroying most light vessels.
Typing takes forever.
As soon as I head about dust I assumed it was going to be more vertical like lets climb around in a titan vertical, or lets hop between moons because most of the points are on the big moon but the best one is on the small one but you have to jump at certain times or the gravity of the gas giant will pull you to your death. Vertical. Or maybe lets bounce around in a zero gravity mining station close to the sun so we can scrape dust vairing in quality from the walls of the containment, and avoid the sun if we so happen to take that long vertical, or be sent down from a grappling clone pod onto an asteroid and have a digger drone called down and protect it from aliens and mercenaries who wanna steal our loot then blow up their transport... Vertical.
Also I think amarr should more cloth-like suggesting they have armor that kind of resembles that.
Caldari should have more shielding and more CPU but barely any armor so they are very susceptible to flux nades with very minimalist metal armor that looks futuristic representing their love of shields
While the Galiente should be the exact opposite. Vulnerable to bullets and burning and have veiny armor, like crisis.
Minmitar should keep their armor they have going on.
Well this is probably going to have the most stuff..WEAPONS -Deccarbine; a carbine that shoots two bullets at the same time from two mags from two muzzles, being effective at all ranges if you can manage the double trouble kick. MOD tribine highly effective in close range but kicks like a bucking bronco ( not vehicle effective
-Plasma sling; slings plasma in a relatively small ark, and relatively fast. MOD volatile infantry effective with a bigger blast radius MOD concentrated more effective against vehicles ( Vehicle effective
::Assualt, Laser, Combat, Rail, Scrambler rifle grenade launcher; WHY IS THIS NOT IN THE GAME YET GIVE IT A LOCK ON AND WATCH IT GO. give it all the grenades and a laser powered projectile for long range sniping stuff
::Repair tool; MOD why can't we do this give amno, and deal damage with it
-Nanogun; shoots waves of nanites in a wide pulse-like form MOD heal and or repairs MOD instead shoots it in a beam resembling the laser rifle.
-Nova pistol; Light enemies from afar or gives shotguns a run for their money in close range MOD electric fire burns shields and armor MOD white flames doesn't burn armor until shields are gone but lights them up on UI MOD blackfire ignores shields and burns armor
::Magsec; doesn't even go by the name give it a burst version, with like 5 burst shots.( Not vehicle effective
-Flaylock cannon; Fires giant explosive rounds MOD flak good for infantry MOD flechette highly concentrated great for light vehicles
Jet pack; we all know what a jetpack is Burst pack; is a modded jetpack that instead gives you burst of fuel instead Glider packs; this kind of explains itself Thrusterpack; gives you a giant burst literaly teleporting you a short distance  Kinetic Catalizer; Gives you a giant boost to melee damage, armor, reload speed, speed, and reduces recoil ( I know this is a mod )

BurgezzE.T.F General Tso's Alliance
Posted - 2014.04.15 01:27:00 -
[2] - Quote
Jet pack; we all know what a jetpack is Burst pack; is a modded jetpack that instead gives you burst of fuel instead Glider packs; this kind of explains itself, but you can glide any way you want but not to far though Thrusterpack; gives you a giant burst literaly teleporting you a short distance  Kinetic Catalizer; Gives you a giant boost to melee damage, armor, reload speed, speed, and reduces recoil ( I know this is a mod ) EMP blast; blast enemies in front of you MOD blast enemies around you removing you shield but giving you a full circle blast Grav tech boots; allow you to walk on stuff for space missions
DRONES almost forgot, and shoulder mounted guns
we need drones and shoulder-mounted stuff logistic, laser, blaster, and rocket for both of them. The ones I talked about before can do all dis
Dog drones and people drones called MATAR drones Drop-mechs can turn into hover mechs and are 4 times the size of a normal person
-Nanite shield; reduces damage scaling up as the size of the bullet goes up and the time it takes to hit averagely goes down T cells spot incoming projectiles run codes and signals B cells confirm signals and start vibrating at extremely intense heats phagocytes cool and form skin of from melted object allowing them to repair you armor, and give you bullets allowing you to repair armor at supply depots until your shield burns out. *NOTE; this shield only absorbs 50% of all damage so unless you get fluxed it will almost always be up
-Projection shield; projects a shield in front of you allowing you to mitigate warbarrages -Breakshield; You can use your shield to charge at enemies depending on if you have 100% to 0% you will charge a certain distances
we need more stuff like air and ground. Stuff.
Cloak car so I can be futuristic OO7? heaviest armored dropship Ananthema
Rocket firing ship that looks like the osprey but cant hover good at anti infantry Already has its only deployabel bomber
Only vehicle with logistic support, and largest infantry capacity.
Is it me or do half their ships look like they belong on the battlefield
Oh and can we get one that hovers but can snipe because it looks like and is a rail gun.
Where are the amno numbers on the guns what is this and they're all static I feel like i'm playing with barely beta stage guns it feels like i'm playing with a dead animal, kids don't like dead animals I want to play with a live one.