Ok, so this is a pretty cool debate here first so I'm no longer inn troll mode. So let me drop a few things here. I am putting bullet points here but not to be a **** just to keep my ideas from getting tangled lol.
1) Dust uses some of the same tech as EVE so in essence they can port over to another counsel without changing your skills, isk history ect. So excluding what ever hurdles CCP has on that with legal mumbo jumbo they should have options there. If they are using that same model it should work out in the end with the shifting counsels.
2) there are currently like 5400 systems in New Eden and 7200 temperate planets in the universe and only one region out of about 60-64 regions in the universe. Now some are Highsec space and some are SOV space, the equivalent to Molden Heath in eve. So there is a really wide playground untapped waiting to be used. If/When CCP opens up more of that it will most likely be difficult to control multiple regions.
3) New Eden as a whole is not a democracy, I agree there needs to be more added to dust to make it more little guy friendly. In the end CCP should end up doing something for that.
4) Rite now there is no real monetary gain for the eve side and no real way to get isk back and forth this will happen CCP reps have said "we are working on it" I know they are. If you didn't know CCP has actual economists on staff for stuff like that. Now that being said when there is real isk when your work pays into some larger cause or drive beyond what is going on now things are going to get crazy. Then you will have a rush and land grab the likes you have never seen yet. There should be a future rush and waves of newer players around that. You guys all of you will be the Old Guard and in the end have the power. The groups alliances and bonds you work on now will matter when that day comes. In new eden your enemies some times end up being your friends in the end. In the larger picture the largest EVE side groups have 90% of the power and control.
http://dl1.eve-files.com/media/corp/Verite/influence.png That's what the universe looks like. The people that own whole regions of space there have more ISK than you would believe when they get interested and have incentive in what we do here life will change maybe for the better maybe for the worse. But you folks will be the A teams of that front. I would have my merc. hat ready when that comes.
5) If DNS keeps the PFC thing going great if not then no big. I know you guys are pretty pissed about it but in the end it is the reality. I see the MH conquest as an interesting chapter in my eve/dust career.
6) Timers, ok so I will be the first to admit I am not the expert on Dust side timers but I can tell you that on the EVE side the same "problem" exists. It sucks when some one out side of your time zone takes a dump on your stuff and you have to sit there and take it. This is not new. The only solution to that is more people larger groups ect. Trying to be the lone ranger corp. will fail most of the time. Some one has got to watch your back when RL kicks in.
7) When you say a "Dust Council" Do you mean the reps that talk to CCP or what. Because it is unrealistic to think that CCP will hop in and settle disputes. Or that having a council that can run everything will end up being a good thing. Hell you guys say Kane is ****** and stuff imagine the next guy lol. The CCP reps from our end will be voted for at some time and it is not a life time appointment so breath a little on that.
8) Dust is on a cycle just like eve, expect something big at fan fest. This is the normal progression for a CCP universe. The updates slow down before big changes and updates.
9) Some of you act like Dust will die all doom and gloom about it my guess is you will probably quit in time if that's your mindset. And that's fine to some one will replace you and in about 6 months to a year dust will do something new and you'll try to get back into it. This is how EVE works as well. You can't throw a rock with out hearing a I was there back in such and such and came back for what ever is new. This is part of that wave process I am talking about.
10) What DNS is doing, ok so I have said it before I will say it again if you don't like it band togather and come take it. It is not impossible damned difficult but not impossible. In conquest of any type if you own it you make the rules. We own it so when in our house applies. Either join the "Cause" get out of the way or come take it back. Can you do it sure, would I be butt hurt if you did nope. There is always a bigger bad ass in New Eden than you that is fact and applies to all of us.
Ok that's my response do with it what you will.