Not everyone knows me But I am a retired HAV driver due to my class being a scrub tactic now and will await until it becomes viable of use again without it being overpowered. but that's not what I'm posting out...It's about small turrets.
I think mainly that the reason tanks are OP is the large blaster turret. Think about it, it can eliminate tanks AND infantry effectively. There is no true reason to have small turrets when you have one giant Duvolle assault rifle that can turn 360 degrees moderately fast. On top of it all you have remodeled hardeners and reppers to make the incredibly pretty much know where this is going.
So I propose a change to turrets. I feel that the Large blaster should be like the class of a railgun: use for AV. it should have a slower rate of fire than what it is now, kind of like a compressed blaster. it should also compensate with it by hitting harder. BUT at the same time, be very inaccurate with targeting infantry. This is where the small blaster turrets come in.

Right now, due to odd mechanics, they are kind of wonky. most of the time, infantry blue shields them for 3 seconds then DPS is applied. also while moving it has poor performance. I say improve them so they can do their job correctly. The tracking should be increase and DPS (or hit detection) should apply correctly. they should a lot of damage, but with quicker overheating as to not be a turret that can streamfire for long periods while killing everything in front of it.
with this implemented, you can have a tank with one large turret and call it a day...but you wont be able to effectively protect yourself against enemy AV with the new large blaster implemented. It's sort of a poor option to use the large blaster against infantry as it will only cause infantry to scatter. with the idea of increasing the effective power and tracking of small blaster turrets, you applied TEAMWORK. The driver can worry about vehicles, while the gunners worry about oncoming AV and spot out enemy vehicles.
This idea comes in hand with LAVs. with these new small blaster turrets, they can do their role as quick attack jeeps .
I'm not good with numbers so I'll leave it to forums to do so. I am open to new ideas and critique if possible if you wish for this idea to happen. I think it will come in hand of making HAVs sit in a comfortable and not how it is now. Railgun small I feel is in a good spot, even small missile turrets (but again bad with movement).
What do you think?