So I've known that the Caldari were a mix between Americans and the Japanese, but I never understood how this could be. Though, I finally figured it out.
Prepare for rambling.
Most people when they think of American culture tend to see consumerism, but they forget that efficiency is also a factor. For example, why do you think in America we(me not being one but living here) use ready to cook meals, drive short distances, wake up early yet sleep late, wear Sweat pants when not doing exercise? The answer is efficiency.
Americans do not like to waste time on impractical things, economically speaking, at least the greater culture does not. For example the French(the proto-Gallante), are meticulous on creating things, buying things and how they spend their lives and also what they do. In France people people tend to prefer jobs that give them more leisure time, require less work and would even loose a bit of their paycheck to achieve this. This is not so in America. Here people value high paying jobs. It doesn't matter if you have vacation days, holidays or an enjoyable career; the bottom line is the bottom line of your checking account.
Japanese and Chinese culture also significantly changed how the Caldari function. The influence of communism in China and the imperialistic nature of old Japan influenced the militaristic ways of the Caldari. As well as the Asian cultural motivation of achieving high education, getting a good career and making your family proudalso factored in. Also, Japan lacks most resources, it is mostly an Isand made of stone and is hard to farm and also lacks natural materials to harvest.
So in short the Caldari are influenced economically by American efficiency, American sociopolitical expectations, Asian educational pressure, and the Japanese lack of resources.
Though there is one last thing that was common in both America and in Far East Asia during WWII, and that is the war time economy. The Caldari State is more or less stuck in a permanent war economy. The State is small, the smallest of the four Empires. This means that to protect it self the State must have a conscripted military and they must also have the latest military equipment available. While the Gallante don't, the Gallante have just about always had a volunteer military and so despite the Gallante Empire being much larger than the Caldari, devotes less money and people to national defense. For the Caldari this means things are always in short demand; the Caldari don't have the surplus amount of materials to engage in creative non-efficienct projects. So in essence the reason the Caldari are so boring is because they are too busy surviving to do much else and lack the resources it even if they were secure, while the Gallante are fairly protected and have the resources and money silly and extravagant.
It all makes sense now!