Monkey MAC wrote:Alaika Arbosa wrote:Monkey MAC wrote:Im not going to go into the semantics of it now, but as I have said time and again, in numerous threads across the forums.
I want Tanks to have an equal FORCE STRENGTH to the equivalent amount of infantry.
Tanks (so long as they are piloted by 1 person -and rightly so-) should be considered a niche weapon, like the Mass Driver or LR.
So you're saying that they shouldn't be force multipliers?

To quote a great man:
That would completely defeat the entire purpose of vehicles.
To the contrary, as a niche weapon it has somewhere it excels, where its personal force strength beyond 1 so long as it is in that kind of engagement. But will also have alot of places where it will not benifit.
You realise force multipliers don't have more forcestrength, they increase the forcestrength of those around them.
1Tank = 1Infantry
1Tank + 5Infantry > 6Infantry
Well, I would still call it a force multiplier since 1 HAV > 1 Infantry. I would go so far as to say that 1 HAV is potentially worth an entire squad of Infantry. Using that as a basis, one squad with 5 Infantry and 1 HAV would be equal to nearly 2 squads of Infantry. One squad with 5 HAVs and 1 Infantry could easily outmatch the entire enemy team with the small match numbers we have currently.
They are far from a niche weapon and I seriously believe that you are attempting to downplay the efficacy and value of having HAVs on the field. If they were a niche weapon, they'd be little used and generally overlooked aside from 1-2% of situations in the game. They're not, they are the go to currently since they are so effective at being Force Multipliers. As it stands now, they allow 1 guy to do the work of many, which is the definition of force multiplier. The guy who calls in the HAV has his "force strength" increased by virtue of being in the HAV.
For example, I was in a match earlier this evening where we were dominating from the gate, both sides were primarily infantry too. About 2/3's of the way through their shields they brought out a full allotment of HAVs and immediately the tide turned. We lost the letter and never recovered. They didn't get more guys in on their side, there was no change to either side except for the addition of 3 80GJ MLT Blasters, 1 80GJ MLT Rail and 1 80GJ PRO Rail to their side.
If HAVs can allow one person to easily do the job of many, they are a force multiplier. If 1 HAV can do the job of nearly an entire squad, then I see no reason that they shouldn't be considered a force multiplier and required to have Crew Service. I am not saying that the entire squad needs to be in it, just that it should require more than 1 person to effectively handle.