CCP Saberwing dropped hints that they're currently planning to elect a CPM before Fanfest. It seems to me, that this being a fairly narrow timetable, it may be time to announce my intention to run, state my primary platform, and open up my inbox to your thoughts, comments, and feedback.
First, I've played EVE for a few years, and I understand what works and doesn't work with that game. I know how the CPM's counterpart, the CSM, is able to benefit players and the game as a whole. Despite this experience with EVE, DUST is my true love. I have so much investment into this game, and throughout the last year, I've felt many times that things could've been better with the right suggestion, or the right bit of feedback, to the right person, at the right time. I feel like I have a lot I can contribute to the CPM. I have a degree in game and simulation programming from the most prestigious of all mail-order colleges, DeVry University, I've personally developed projects using the Unreal SDK, and so I have a fair understanding of some of the programming and art challenges CCP is facing. I also work as a system administrator in the IT field, so I'm no stranger to the infrastructure needs as well. But most importantly, I'm a gamer who has been heaving playing both MMOs and FPS games for as long as I can remember. I love both genres.
I have a few very short goals for DUST 514. These concepts are my core beliefs about the game's future, and what's important in it's success:
CCP needs to ramp up the EVE/DUST link, particularly by implementing a real economy for DUST 514. CCP has restated multiple times their focus on making DUST the best shooter. And while the idea of a better shooter (and frame rate, for God's sake) appeals to me greatly, the truth is, DUST will probably never beat Call of Duty or Battlefield as a first-person shooter alone. DUST is a niche game. It is a hybrid MMO with links to EVE Online. And most of the people I know who got excited hearing about DUST, were excited because of that link
even if they didn't play EVE. CCP needs to commit full throttle to the link.
CCP needs to embrace it's scifi setting, with unique environments, maps, and equipment. Right now, DUST is a mediocre shooter. It has little to set it apart from other games apart from it's science fiction setting, of which there is far more limited competition. Unlike Call of Duty or Battlefield, CCP isn't constrained to real-world weapons or environments. DUST can explore other worlds, starships, and even the emptiness of space itself. CCP needs to go full-on scifi, and again, focus on it's strengths. Embrace methods of gameplay that Call of Duty and Battlefield can only dream of. That means lava planets, changing gravity between planets of different sizes, and ship-based combat.
CCP needs to be up-front with it's roadmap. As usual, all discussion of DUST 514 at the CSM summit was again under NDA. While EVE devs have profited greatly from the early feedback of players, DUST devs aren't communicating enough. While a test server is currently unfeasible (thank you, Sony), giving players the facts and the numbers up front will allow people to participate in the process of game development. Players need a better idea of CCP's roadmap for DUST 514, so they can put faith (and AUR-colored credits) in the long-term future of DUST. Laser-focused on PS3 is a nice short-term answer, but it won't cut it for the future. As a CPM member, I'll push heavily for greater disclosure with players on long-term plans, even if they aren't set in stone.
Obviously, DUST 514 is an incredibly complex game with a variety of important issues across the board. These three are the issues closest to my heart. If you chose to help me reach the CPM, you can be assured my inbox will always be open, and that putting your views in front of me will put them in front of CCP.
You can reach me in my DUST inbox at Soraya Xel, my EVE inbox at Crasniya, or my email at
[email protected]