ThePrinceOfNigeria wrote:Michael Arck wrote:This game has enough in it that I'm going to stick it out. While it does have its bad points, there are also many good points that are not offered by any other FPS title.
Please elaborate on these good points that are unavailable anywhere else cause I ain't seeing them...
1. Teamwork
No other game quite enforces the thought of teamwork like Dust does. And I'm thinking about the big two on consoles...BF and COD. In those games, lone rangers can carry squads or teams. Especially in the latter. Teamwork supercedes the John Rambos of FPS. I've seen matches where guys get 44 kills and 2 deaths...but still lost
2. Perishable items
It's a wonderful but frightening concept of perishable items. Frightening because you have to micro manage and be careful of what you do. Being reckless can cost you more than just your KDR. It can and will cost you ISK. Of course those who are active in PC scoffs at this, but for the average player, ISK management is a necessity.
3. Science Fiction FPS
Science fiction is great commentary on our society. It always has and will continue to be so. Dust 514 offers a deep and imaginative world that you can completely submerge into. It's social commentary on the state of things can't be overlooked. It goes further than Halo story with lore that could take you weeks to months to read just to have a handle on what's happening...speaking of current events
4. Players and Lore
Players and their action shift the lore. Victories are even talked about in the in game news circuit. It was quite cool to read that EoN made it into the lore when they took to Molden Heath and battles raged on. It gave the player meaning and the feeling of being a part of something more. I like the sound of that compared to be a random character for a NAVY SEALS team or some terrorist extreme faction. Here, your actions can change the course of the universe
5. Social Aspect
Let's face it, Dust 514 got the social aspect mastered. The only way I was introduced to so many great players in the likes of BF and COD is if I increased rank, forums, or just played alot. In Dust, that middle ground is cut as comm channels help mercs to assemble together. One comm channel can bring the world together and you might find yourself with a member from Japan, to Iceland, to Norway and such. Friends are made and enemies are born.
6. Intense action/Coming down to the wire
"Battles in New Eden can be fast, frentic."
A good battle in New Eden is memorable. It feels action packed like a movie. You recall your squad mate coming in at the right moment to lay down an opponent that nearly killed you while you got caught reloading. Driving a LAV behind enemy lines to get a uplink down so the enemy can be pinched. Crouching behind cover as enemies slowly move forward to push onto the bridge.
These are just some scenarios but you get the picture. Battles in NE can be damn good. Players will switch their tactics (or not) to adjust to the changes. You could be killing their MCC, but your team clone reserves are depleting rapidly. Small things such as this makes the battle memorable to where you salute your enemies for a good war. You really can't find that same feeling in BF or COD.
These are just some of things I thought about when you asked that question. Stuff like the above and more keeps me coming back.
And when you play with like minded makes the experience worth it even more
o7 to the mercs keeping up the fight!