Shadow Company HQ
Posted - 2013.10.18 19:47:00 -
[1] - Quote
Nice overview and I think this new direction shows a lot of positive elements that players can embrace. However there are a few key elements that I think are 100% necessary if you really want to see the results I think you expect from these changes. Without them I think you are just putting a band-aid on a bullet wound and after the initial interest and appeal you get post launch, people are going to become bored (pretty much like they are now).
1. Team Deployment
Right now the only incentive for doing Faction Warfare is the very weak mechanic that gives teams a chance to queue-sync. The new Faction Contracts does up the Meta feel a bit and provides unique incentive with Loyalty Points. All good stuff.
But the lack of ISK rewards means that you play these matches at an ISK loss for an LP/Standings gain. To minimize that ISK loss, players need to be able to rely on solid team play. That means that there needs to be the ability to deploy and entire team of friends into the battle. At the same time we are losing the ability to queue-sync in battles that do pay out ISK based rewards if Public Matches stay as they are now.
This means that Team Deployment needs to be present in both Public Matches and Faction Contracts when this launches. Otherwise there seems to be little point in launching it at all. If less organized players are concerned about their survivability then I propose you have matches that are limited to individuals and standard squads AND matches that allow individuals, standard squads and Team Deployment for both Public Matches and Faction Contracts.
2. New Game Mode
Faction Contracts needs to launch with a new objective based game mode attached to it, in addition to the standard Skirmish. Dust 514 is already suffering from a severe lack of variety. A new objective based mode will provide more incentive to Faction Contracts than any other element.
You seem poised to invest a lot of development resources into this 'reworking' of Faction Warfare. That is great. But without a new game mode to accompany it, it is an empty gesture in my opinion. I would prefer that we get a new mode before or in conjunction with Faction Contracts. Otherwise you are just putting the cart before the horse....AGAIN.
3. Secondary Market
I think provided the above elements are present, Faction Contracts can make an impact without the secondary market up and running right out of the gate. But it needs to be following up close on the heals if you want to keep the momentum. I think I would be willing to wait a couple of months if we could get them out at relatively the same time but their is more leeway on this topic.
4. Loyalty Point Market
I am sure the ISK/LP combo pricing has not been ironed out yet but I hope that the ISK requirements are not significant. Having them is smart, so players not heavily engaged in Planetary Conquest will still be mixing it up in the Public Match pool. But pricing should be such that a player can still put a primary focus on Faction Contract with their playtime if they so choose.
5. Friendly Fire
A key element and a win for the core community. The standings penalties are good but they are not enough. There needs to be a max team kill limitation imposed...period. Team kill X amount of players and you are automatically kicked from the match. I think this kind of safety protocol will go a long way to ease the minds of a lot of players. The suggested 'forgiveness' mechanic is also a good idea and should be fully fleshed out ASAP.
6. Orbital Strikes
EVE-only orbital strikes is a good way to go. It compels integration between the two games. While it may favor groups with combined Dust/EVE units or alliances, there will hopefully be sufficient EVE pilots that random groups can call on to get in on the action. However, there won't be if their is not enough incentive EVE-side to get pilots to risk themselves for strangers.
One alternative that could (and should) be considered if this proves to be an issue, is just raising the War Point requirements for non-EVE orbital strikes. Lets say double what they would be in a Public Match. So there is still incentive for players in both games to work together, but there is still a chance for well organized teams of Dust-only players to have an asset like OB's if needed. |