Patrick57 wrote:Why fight the people you hired to help you defend? Doesn't that mean that they're better then you, so you want to ensure a win? STB are in way over their heads.
A while ago it was deemed that AE would not ring for attacks on our districts. They broke that rule several times. Ok. No big deal. We attack Outer Havens district on our planet. AE rings for it. Whatever. A corp attacks one of our home planets districts, AE rings for them too. We win the fight with 1 tic left. Instead of that corp re-decking on the district AE decs on us...... WTF? So instead of slowly losing 1 district at a time (which is what was happening across molden heath, not just Sver Prime) the decision was made to go on the offensive.
We've tried contacting AE leadership multiple times before this. "hey are you guys hostile now?" "are you guys allying with outer haven?" Because its true, we had them help us against other corps not too long ago and we wanted to know why they kept ringing against us. The answers were always "no" and "were not" it was all supposed to just be business. Alright.... fine. Nothing personal its just an Isk thing. But it clearly wasn't an isk thing anymore when they decked on one of our home planets districts themselves. So now instead of feeding them money were going to do everything we can to cost them money.
Last night we needed to field around 70-80 people all at the same time. We rallied over 100 people, however this was actually a bad thing because we were not prepared to organize the sheer volume of people flowing in. This caused a huge dip in the quality of players spread between the matches because its as you people have been saying, there were some who weren't PC ready that got into these fights.
These lossese don't discourage us though. This is not nearly as demoralizing as the war against the Imperfects, and you guys can bet that were in this for the long run. What will the outcome of this war be? Nobody really knows, but I can guarantee that regardless of weather or not we win or lose.... STB will endure.
Anyway, I missed the last couple days (aside from last night) so this is the information as it was presented to me by fellow directors. It might not be perfectly accurate but I can say that this is more or less whats been happening the past week or so. Its no big deal really..... if anything, at least were making PC more interesting

But at any rate. GG AE you boys are putting up a good fight!