So I've been experimenting with the active scanner (it's ok. It won't be replacing my RE's) and I found some annoyances with it.
1) You have to have it out to use it: As an assault, I want my gun to be out 99% of the time. I would also like to know where the enemies are. So for instance, I'm trying to capture the only enemy point left. Obviously, there will be quite a few enemies there. Assaulting the point will be a little tougher without knowing who is where and where is what. It would be very useful for me to be able to have scans on a point while still being able to shoot people.
2) Only being able to scan in front of me: I know a person can just turn around a few times and get a full 360 view, but that takes too much time. I would like to place something down and go. Not pick it out turn around switch it back and THEN go.
So what's the solution? A Scan beacon. A droppable little capsule that can stick to side surfaces. You could argue that the Active scanner is a "logi" equipment, but here's something more "Assault Friendly"
STATS I am away from the game now so the stats will mostly be words not numbers. If you guys find anything I failed to list and/or sounds completely OP/UP, list some suggestions below.
Slot- Equipment
Cost- More than the Active scanner. (Can't really give any numbers. But not too crazy expensive) Give it some disadvantages to it's sister. as well as advantages.
PG/CPU- This one I have no clue about. Maybe you guys can put some ideas below??
Scan radius- This should be less than the active scanner, but this should be a 360 degree scan. Maybe a radius of 25-50m?
Pulse Interval I didn't mention above that the scans should be in pulses instead of one ongoing scan. A pulse interval every 3 seconds. Lasting for 120 seconds.
- A drop and go item
- Better for assaults
- 360 degree scan
- Long lasting
- Cost more than the active scanner. (Now that I saw this, maybe it can be called the passive scanner

- Less scan radius
- In pulses so there will be a short time where your scans aren't visible.
- Limited. Unlike the active scanner
- Can be scanned by other types of scanners. So it can pulse on your radar to tell you where it is. Making it available to destroy if it causes too much trouble
Like I said before. If you guys find anything I failed to list and/or sounds completely OP/UP, list some suggestions below.