BL4CKST4R wrote:The AR doesnt need a damage nerf it needs a range nerf, the AR is supposed to have the HIGH DPS - LOW RANGE so if an AR user can close ground on you, you should consider yourself dead.
Lowering its DPS to 350 means that its damage would have to be increased while its ROF is decreased, or increase the ROF while nerfing the damage, if none of these are done every other weapon would need to have its DPS lowered or the AR would just become the most UP gun in the game.
my internet connection is slow right now... but i will respond to more of these comments tomorrow. but, upon reading this I must contend.
Reducing its DPS will not render it useless. In fact it will excel at what its supposed to.The AR is supposed to be a jack of all trades, master of none.
Reducing the DPS will force AR users to pick their battles. how so?
a lower DPS means that an AR user in close range won't try to take on an HMG or shotgun, or SMG.
a lower DPS means that at longer ranges an AR will not try to take on a scrambler or lazer.
how will this effect AR game playfor most players they will just try to find something else to use.
for skilled players they will fight in a situation advantageous to the AR over the weapon they are facing. Note the following examples:
- the AR user upon seeing a scrambler being fired will either A) retreat if the distance is can't be closed fast enough or B) if inclose quarters close the distance in order to have the upperhand on the Scrambler.
- the AR user sees an HMG. the AR user will obviously not consider charging the HMG user due to the ARs lower dps and the medium frames limited ehp. therefore he will engage the heavy at a range outside the heavies range. this may put the ARs dps lower because the range is farther but he is playing to the heavies weakness.
the heavy for his part must retreat or die.
so, as for me I want a damage nerf.
The AR should work similar to how the Blaster tanks and Rail tanks work, at long rangers the Rail tank will obliterate a Blaster tank due to how its range exceeds the range of the Blaster, but at close ranges the Rail tank has no way of competing with the Blaster tank in damage.
Technically for all this to work, it would mean the AUTO ARs would need their range nerfed, the Breach ARs keep their current range and the TAC ARs have their range slightly higher than the breach. At the same time hip fire dispersion would increase with the range, while recoil would decrease with longer range. After this every other rifle weapon, would have a low DPS, high damage per shot profile. For example the Caldari rail rifle, the longest range assault rifle, would have the lowest DPS but the highest damage per shot, the most hip fire dispersion but the least amount of recoil and of course the longest range. On the case of the Gallente AR it would have the highest DPS but the lowest damage per shot, the least amount of hip fire dispersion but the highest amount of recoil, and the lowest range.
<-- AR user only saying because apparently we aren't coherent enough to provide good feedback on the AR.
your points are valid concerns however. If the AR gets reduced Range as opposed to a dps nerf, to perhaps that of the HMG with a 20% damage reduction that would suffice.remember reducing the range proportionally to other ARs still doesn't ensure that it won't make a weapon obsolete.
The AR actually needs both a range and damage nerf but, not too much of a range nerf . I mean people nerfed the flaylocks radius (radius to a splash weapon is like range to a bullet hose weapon), and a damage nerf.
conclusionthe Ar should be no exception its range is too high and dps is too high. The AR should be a jack of all trades. [b] ITS designed to play to the weaknesses of other weapons. therefore it need not be strong, it only needs to be able to function well where other weapons don't. range nerf and dps nerf. (if dps nerf is big, then range nerf is small and vice versa. dnt break the gun, just nerf it)