Raymundo Kagestad V wrote:Okay, we need to archive this thread. I don't bring out my "Inner New Eden" often but...Here it goes.
Hey Eos, give me moar of your CoD fanboi tears!! It fuels my internet spaceship.
You think these are tears?
You're about as clueless as they come.
It's more akin to laughter. Laughing at the fools who hate on CoD for whatever lame reason you come up with.
"It's mindless!"
So is every other FPS ever made then
"It's a bunch of Rambo's running around like Chickens with their heads cut off!"
So is every other FPS ever made.
The little bit that I played of Dust, felt just like playing with the Rambo Chickens from CoD.
The only difference was the extremely bland and oversized maps.... and the god awful timesink.
And lets not forget about the way it controls....I uninstalled it after 2 games because of the controls.
Like I said before, just because you happen to spawn in next to a teammate doesn't suddenly make your game more team oriented.
I see more teamwork in a game like CoD than I do in most other FPS games I have ever played, and I've played quite a few.
Just to give you a clue. I've been playing FPS online since 14.4k modems were still a thing. You know what a BBS is?
Dust doesn't bring anything special to the table. Other than a community of self-entitled elitest who think they are cool because they like a game that sucks balls.
If CoD decided to adopt the "RPG Mechanics" of Dust, it would fail horribly. Because that kind of depth is a fake shallow attempt at simulating depth. And this is taking into account that CoD has the core mechanics of FPS nailed down. It doesn't really get any better than what they have as far as smooth fluid control of your character goes.
If you really... REALLY, think CoD is nothing but Rambo's running around everywhere... I welcome you to play against me and my crew. We'll show you what map control and teamwork can accomplish in that game. Sure, you Rambo types might get a few kills against us... but that is the games way of keeping you interested while we dominate you at the gametype. And that's why CoD is better than everything else out there. Because even when your getting your ass handed to you. You can still have fun and feel like you are able to compete. Instead of being in a game where the best option is to just AFK or Quit, which is what Dust is shooting for.
Who the hell wants to play an FPS in which AFK'ing or quitting becomes the standard, because the **** poor game mechanics?
---Every Dust Fanboi raises their hand.
I would much rather play a game that at least allows me to enjoy it regardless of the skill levels and time investment of my opponents. CoD doesn't need some **** poor wannabe behind the scenes math equation trying to match skill levels in order for all the players involved to enjoy themselves. And that's why you are stupid for hating on CoD. Because CoD is fun for everyone regardless of skill levels and time investment. Which is what gaming is all about. Having fun at every conceivable moment during your time with that game. Also, having fun regardless of if your friends are available or not. I do not need my friends to be online in order to enjoy myself at CoD. I might not win very many games that way, but I can at least still enjoy the time I spend in the game.
If I wanted to play a job, I'd go to work and actually make money for my time.