nukel head wrote:D legendary hero wrote:D legendary hero wrote:the flaylocks need either a buff in damage and splah damage, keeping the current radius...
an increase per level by .5 meters in splash radius.
not letting it die
No one has thought for a second that you would let it die. If you browse through the forums you see the same names over and over pushing the MD agenda and dogging "AR noobs". The bottom line is that any grenade or rocket launcher type of weapon is and will always be the the real noob tube. They require very little accuracy and very little skill to use. PERIOD. The fact that certain players have formed their whole playstyle around these weapons and learned to be even more effective with them only compounds that issue. In those cases I have found that the AR is outmatched because it REQUIRES LINE OF SIGHT AND ACCURACY to get kills with. No dropsuit in the game can be killed just by slashing across it with random fire from an AR.
In my experience in attempting to counter excessive MD usage the only thing that is effective is another MD. I have skilled into the EX0-5 because that is the only effective counter against players who are spamming explosions as a "skilled tactic". Strangely enough, with my very limited skill using the weapon, I have been able to effectively kill and eliminate MD squatters many times with the spray and pray tactics you MD users accuse everyone else of.
But, what do I know. I only use ARs, SMGs, HMGs, Forge guns, SCRs, and sniper rifles on occasion. The only one that makes me feel like a douche is the MD or Flaylock. Guess I'm just a noob with no real skills and I'm jealous because I can't play at the elite level of explosion spamming. I'm so jealous...
Go ahead don't let it die. But if you succeed, Dust might very well be what dies.
Bro. i understand your concern. because you mostly likely played CoD and battle field (not calling you a noob), and in those games, yes splahs fro rockets and grenades are instant kills. grenade launchers as well.
however, in this game there is alot more involved. i'm not going to bore you with details unless you request them. but, think about the following 2 things:
- since patch almost no one uses MD, or any explosives other than locus grenades really (forguns dnt count)
- 80-90% of all kills in the killfeed are milita AR, std AR, GEK, and duvolle assault
if the AR is such a skilled weapon why is it that almost 90% or higher of the player bass is using them?
there are skilled things you can do with an AR getting a headshot, on an enemy 88m away is skill. but, most players dnt do that.
buffing MD ammo will encourage people to use them more, since ammo is a big issue with MD, and supply depot are rare on the new maps. Flaylocks need the extra .5m radius to compete with SMG now that hit detection makes SMG secondary ARs.
i never called you a noob. but, please, note:
in PC battles no one uses anything other than ARs. . no one uses heavies in PC, no one uses shotguns, MDs are a joke in PC, no one uses anything other than ARs, the occasional proto assault scrambler.
also: "No dropsuit in the game can be killed just by slashing across it with random fire from an AR." this is called hipfire, and this gets tons of kills with AR. im pretty sure you may have had some of your suits killed by an enemy noob that sneaks up behind you and just wastes you with a milita AR (due to the low scanning profiles now). it happens to everyone but reveals a vital truth.