Statistics for thread How to make DUST 514 worth playing |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 94 |
First post | 2013-08-03 03:25:00 |
Last post | 2013-08-09 20:19:00 |
Duration | 6 days (active period), 4200 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 15,7 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 128 129 |
Longest post | KING SALASI (6257 characters, posted 2013-08-09 17:46:00) |
Average post length | 1 363,1 chars/post |
Unique authors | 30 |
90-day posting graph |
Top 50 posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Noc Tempre | 20 (21,3%) |
Mobius Wyvern | 16 (17,0%) |
MlDDLE MANGEMENT | 12 (12,8%) |
Himiko Kuronaga | 7 (7,4%) |
Telcontar Dunedain | 5 (5,3%) |
Jason Pearson | 4 (4,3%) |
Mobius Wyvern | 2 (2,1%) |
Aizen Intiki | 2 (2,1%) |
Iron Wolf Saber | 2 (2,1%) |
Ninjanomyx | 2 (2,1%) |
The Robot Devil | 2 (2,1%) |
xjumpman23 | 1 (1,1%) |
TERMINALANCE | 1 (1,1%) |
Takahiro Kashuken | 1 (1,1%) |
Smooth Assassin | 1 (1,1%) |
smartlayer | 1 (1,1%) |
SheDevil HeadShotten | 1 (1,1%) |
Sarducar Kahn | 1 (1,1%) |
S Park Finner | 1 (1,1%) |
Reefersmokintaz | 1 (1,1%) |
Namirial Kensai | 1 (1,1%) |
Mortedeamor | 1 (1,1%) |
Mavado V Noriega | 1 (1,1%) |
Marston VC | 1 (1,1%) |
KING SALASI | 1 (1,1%) |
Killar-12 | 1 (1,1%) |
Kane Fyea | 1 (1,1%) |
dday3six | 1 (1,1%) |
CCP Logibro | 1 (1,1%) |
Captain Wontubulous | 1 (1,1%) |
Arkena Wyrnspire | 1 (1,1%) |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 45 (47,9%) |
Negative-Feedback | 25 (26,6%) |
EoN. | 10 (10,6%) |
Caldari State | 4 (4,3%) |
Alpha Wolf Pack | 2 (2,1%) |
Amarr Empire | 1 (1,1%) |
C C P Alliance | 1 (1,1%) |
CRONOS. | 1 (1,1%) |
Gallente Federation | 1 (1,1%) |
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive | 1 (1,1%) |
Ivy League | 1 (1,1%) |
League of Infamy | 1 (1,1%) |
The Superpowers | 1 (1,1%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Internal Error. | 20 (21,3%) |
BetaMax. | 19 (20,2%) |
lMPurity | 12 (12,8%) |
SyNergy Gaming | 8 (8,5%) |
Imperfects | 5 (5,3%) |
Seraphim Auxiliaries | 4 (4,3%) |
Den of Swords | 2 (2,1%) |
Ghost Wolf Industries | 2 (2,1%) |
Guardian Solutions | 2 (2,1%) |
One Who Bears Fangs At GOD | 2 (2,1%) |
Seituoda Taskforce Command | 2 (2,1%) |
Ahrendee Mercenaries | 1 (1,1%) |
C C P | 1 (1,1%) |
Condotta Rouvenor | 1 (1,1%) |
DUST University | 1 (1,1%) |
Intara Direct Action | 1 (1,1%) |
Molon Labe. | 1 (1,1%) |
Nova Corps Marines | 1 (1,1%) |
Red Star. | 1 (1,1%) |
Royal Uhlans | 1 (1,1%) |
SVER True Blood | 1 (1,1%) |
Turalyon Plus | 1 (1,1%) |
What The French | 1 (1,1%) |
Wraith Shadow Guards | 1 (1,1%) |
xCosmic Voidx | 1 (1,1%) |
Zumari Force Projection | 1 (1,1%) |
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