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61. List of good animes - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Highlight the big text image to see it better.
- by jerrmy12 kahoalii - at 2014.06.29 03:16:00
62. List of good animes - in The Locker Room [original thread]
_______________________GûôGûôGûôGûôGûôGûôGûôGûôGûôGûôGûôGûô__________GûéGûéGûé ____________GûôGûôGûôGûôGûôGûôGûôGûôGûôGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÉGûÆGûÉGûÆGûÆGûÆGûôGûôGûôGûôGûô__GûÆGûæGûæGûæGûÆ ________GûôGûôGûôGûôGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÇGûÇGûàGûàGûäGûäGûÆGûÆGûÆGûÆGû...
- by jerrmy12 kahoalii - at 2014.06.29 03:13:00
63. my little pony in transformers age of extinction - in The Locker Room [original thread]
- by jerrmy12 kahoalii - at 2014.06.28 13:40:00
64. Just started playing counterstrike again - in The Locker Room [original thread]
TechMechMeds wrote: jerrmy12 kahoalii wrote: TechMechMeds wrote: Just jumped into a match where people were farming bots. They were literally lined up in rows of 10 and instantly respawn after being killed. I couldn't help myself, 1070 ...
- by jerrmy12 kahoalii - at 2014.06.27 23:20:00
65. Just started playing counterstrike again - in The Locker Room [original thread]
TechMechMeds wrote: Just jumped into a match where people were farming bots. They were literally lined up in rows of 10 and instantly respawn after being killed. I couldn't help myself, 1070 killed in 5 mins with an m249 lol. A blatantly fak...
- by jerrmy12 kahoalii - at 2014.06.27 21:24:00
66. Just started playing counterstrike again - in The Locker Room [original thread]
TechMechMeds wrote: The global offensive one, pretty tasty. I am pretty bad though, I tried strafing and shooting which quickly reminded me that it doesn't work like that. 40v40 is nice as well but I don't recall that in the original. I also...
- by jerrmy12 kahoalii - at 2014.06.27 15:03:00
67. He he he he he - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Gooseman Manwhore wrote: jerrmy12 kahoalii wrote: Gooseman Manwhore wrote: jerrmy12 kahoalii wrote: Gooseman Manwhore wrote: I now have 69 likes. Ehe he he he he he. And yes, I did take a picture.
- by jerrmy12 kahoalii - at 2014.06.25 23:27:00
68. He he he he he - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Gooseman Manwhore wrote: jerrmy12 kahoalii wrote: Gooseman Manwhore wrote: I now have 69 likes. Ehe he he he he he. And yes, I did take a picture. SACRILEGE! h...
- by jerrmy12 kahoalii - at 2014.06.25 22:49:00
69. He he he he he - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Gooseman Manwhore wrote: I now have 69 likes. Ehe he he he he he. And yes, I did take a picture.
- by jerrmy12 kahoalii - at 2014.06.25 21:40:00
70. F you EA. - in The Locker Room [original thread]
TechMechMeds wrote: Iron Wolf Saber wrote: :( Well that's another game I am not playing ever again. That's now 4 games on origin I cannot play anymore. ...
- by jerrmy12 kahoalii - at 2014.06.25 18:38:00
71. F you EA. - in The Locker Room [original thread]
IVIaster LUKE wrote: *waves hand* This (EA) is not the gaming company your looking for... Move along
- by jerrmy12 kahoalii - at 2014.06.25 14:45:00
72. [OFFICIAL] What songs do you play when you play DUST (514)? - in The Locker Room [original thread]
This is a song about trust, hope, and faith, I hope you enjoy.
- by jerrmy12 kahoalii - at 2014.06.25 13:42:00
73. Nintendo to End all DS wifi services. - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Ah cmon 3ds ftw Er, 3ds r4 ftw.
- by jerrmy12 kahoalii - at 2014.05.23 10:02:00
74. PC players aren't worth the air they breathe. - in The Locker Room [original thread]
TEXA5 HiTM4N wrote: when it comes to FPSs. I mean holy hell. I thought the blue berries sucked but wait until you see PC players. been playing hawken and planetside 2 and can honestly say the majority of those players are either tards or their ...
- by jerrmy12 kahoalii - at 2014.05.11 21:29:00
75. CCP Blowout. for best dev - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Anyone notice the dot after blowout?
- by jerrmy12 kahoalii - at 2014.05.11 14:11:00
76. Official Thread Of Great PS3 Games To Play - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Forever ETC wrote: I'll Start: Uncharted Series Infamous Series God Of War Series Little Big Planet 1 and 2 MGS Series Gran Turismo Series Mag :3 Demons souls Dark souls Dark souls 2 Cod mw2 Bf3 Maybe bf4 Racthet and clank series Killzon...
- by jerrmy12 kahoalii - at 2014.05.07 06:42:00
77. Looking for a game kind of like Dust 514. - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Talos Alomar wrote: If defiance is going f2p We should make a clan for us dust exiles Played the beta alot
- by jerrmy12 kahoalii - at 2014.05.05 07:32:00
78. 05/04/2014 - in The Locker Room [original thread]
chopper911ed wrote: May The Fourth be with you. Oh yea!
- by jerrmy12 kahoalii - at 2014.05.04 09:06:00
79. If you were hungry... - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Hawk-eye Occultus wrote: General John Ripper wrote: If you were hungry, would you let your worst enemy buy you a taco? Without going into too much detail, that is my question for you all. Basically, is pride more important to you than money...
- by jerrmy12 kahoalii - at 2014.04.30 01:58:00
80. List of Good Horror/Thrillers - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Insufficient Data wrote: Ok horror/classic horror Werewolf movie's Silver Bullet Bad Moon Dog Soldiers The Howling A Werewolf in London Underwolrd Vampire Movie's Bram Stoker's Dracula Interview with a vampire Queen of the Dammed 30 days of ...
- by jerrmy12 kahoalii - at 2014.04.28 09:39:00
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