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961. A question for CCP Sabersuck - in General Discussions [original thread]
you can still get some of your money back man, call sony. but yeah, seems like the cpm were a distraction for what was coming up, which means they are huge tools, but people will do anything for a t-shirt or some sht
- by hold that - at 2014.05.03 11:06:00
962. You guys are really entertaining the EVE players. - in General Discussions [original thread]
SGT Dauphine wrote: Just heads up that the EVE guys are laughing their asses of at your expense. are you a fgt?
- by hold that - at 2014.05.03 10:53:00
963. where the dust guys are moving - in General Discussions [original thread]
waiting for EQ Next
- by hold that - at 2014.05.03 10:51:00
964. Going to be doing a quick one on one video with CCP rouge - in General Discussions [original thread]
why is he white and all the developers people of color? does this have something to do with him laughing at the dust fan base behind closed doors (you play video games that much, i run a business lololol)?
- by hold that - at 2014.05.03 10:32:00
965. Unload Officer Weapons in Pubs and FW - in General Discussions [original thread]
Cotsy wrote: Stop making threads EAD
- by hold that - at 2014.05.03 06:00:00
966. Unload Officer Weapons in Pubs and FW - in General Discussions [original thread]
Today we learned DUST will soon be just that. That means we will never get a chance to trade or have an open market. I suggest that we as a player base collectively enter Pubs and FW using all of our officer weapons in order to "go out with a bang"
- by hold that - at 2014.05.03 00:43:00
967. Fight back with your wallet! - in General Discussions [original thread]
Hey people, the reason why DUST 514 failed on ps 3 is too many young people are console players. Pretty much a lot of console players are young people in high school that live at home and have no jobs so even though they can afford to play 10 hour...
- by hold that - at 2014.05.03 00:33:00
968. So... regarding that keynote. - in General Discussions [original thread]
DUST players 6:14 Oh Dae-Su Obscene: that's it? 6:14 Liveoffwelfare: that's it? 6:14 Ovary_obliterator: that's it? 6:14 axel_bomber2: that's it? 6:14 Soon-Mi Wang: That's it? 6:14 Exposed_dickrider: THAT'S IT?? 6:14 THEY_TOOK_MY_JOB: thats it? 6:1...
- by hold that - at 2014.05.03 00:21:00
969. Ok, so what's next from Fanfest ? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Yoma Carrim wrote: 13:00/6:00 More Sand in the Box for Dust 514 (that's the official posting anyway) to sht on
- by hold that - at 2014.05.03 00:11:00
970. Devil Advodcate: Let's add more teirs aka Tieriply - in General Discussions [original thread]
- by hold that - at 2014.05.02 12:50:00
971. DUST fan fest main presentation in 2½ hours. - in General Discussions [original thread]
yeah stay tuned, pay attention to the chat where you will see all the neck beard eve players talk sht about dust
- by hold that - at 2014.05.02 12:27:00
972. I hope everyone at FF is dying - in General Discussions [original thread]
vodka redbull. also, breakfast beer.
- by hold that - at 2014.05.02 11:52:00
973. Fan Fest stream is going live in 10 minutes - in General Discussions [original thread]
19.95 subscription Kappa
- by hold that - at 2014.05.01 11:21:00
974. Fan Fest stream is going live in 10 minutes - in General Discussions [original thread]
subscription only chat GûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæ GûæGûæGûæGûæGûäGûÇGûÇGûÇGûÇGûÇGûêGûÇGûäGûäGûäGûäGûæGûæGûæGûæ GûæGûæGûäGûÇGûÆGûôGûÆGûôGûôGûÆGûôGûÆGûÆGûôGûÆGûôGûÇGûäGûæGûæ GûäGûÇGûÆGûÆGûôGûÆGûôGûÆGûÆGûôGûÆGûôGûÆGûôGûôGûÆGûÆGûôGûêGûæ G...
- by hold that - at 2014.05.01 11:08:00
975. I'm an uplink scrub - in General Discussions [original thread]
do cal faction and get those uplinks as well, 3 sec spawns.
- by hold that - at 2014.04.28 00:19:00
976. Ten seconds to spawn? Try fifteen seconds. - in General Discussions [original thread]
Cyrius Li-Moody wrote: hold that wrote: every match besides ambush i spawn in and drop 3 different - 47.50 uplinks (2-3 second spawns) partly for your above reasons, also for people coming in the match a few secs late so they can spawn immed...
- by hold that - at 2014.04.27 20:57:00
977. Maybe Assaults need a tiny hp buff? - in General Discussions [original thread]
assaults should be the class that can equipt damage mods in either high or low slots
- by hold that - at 2014.04.27 13:38:00
978. Ten seconds to spawn? Try fifteen seconds. - in General Discussions [original thread]
every match besides ambush i spawn in and drop 3 different - 47.50 uplinks (2-3 second spawns) partly for your above reasons, also for people coming in the match a few secs late so they can spawn immediately. you should hear the stupid sht people ...
- by hold that - at 2014.04.27 13:35:00
979. FanFest Patch notes leaked!!! Hatulim 1.0 is the patch! <--------... - in General Discussions [original thread]
guys you know how you know it's fake? because there is no nerf to cloaks
- by hold that - at 2014.04.27 13:11:00
980. Factional Warfare summed up in a nutshell - in General Discussions [original thread]
wow link a video where an ad starts playing, you should be banned.
- by hold that - at 2014.04.26 23:35:00
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