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101. Whats your best bad decision moments? - in General Discussions [original thread]
straya fox wrote: When 1.8 dropped i specced back into pro to Caldari assault. I did it too
- by Seigfried Warheit - at 2014.04.21 22:12:00
102. Large missle installations - in General Discussions [original thread]
I hate those accursed missle installations in the redline that locked me out of the whole map .....I gotta go scrub tank and blow them up
- by Seigfried Warheit - at 2014.04.20 22:30:00
103. I'm so burnt out! - in General Discussions [original thread]
Run some troll fits always a good laugh or two especially when you have some friends to do it with
- by Seigfried Warheit - at 2014.04.20 22:23:00
104. Gallente assault bonus - in General Discussions [original thread]
I think the Gal Ass. bonus should have probably been a ROF increase instead of hip fire dispersion...
- by Seigfried Warheit - at 2014.04.20 22:19:00
105. Whats your best bad decision moments? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Mine is when I got a mail while flying a ADS so i flew up to the ceiling to look at it since the match was decided already and nothing much was happening... looked at it was fine ...pressed "O" one too many times to get out of the mail screen and ...
- by Seigfried Warheit - at 2014.04.20 22:16:00
106. ever get that feeling to murder a blueberry? - in General Discussions [original thread]
I am that worthless blueberry
- by Seigfried Warheit - at 2014.04.20 22:02:00
107. How To Save Scotty: an idea for new matchmaking mechanic - in General Discussions [original thread]
Scotty is not worth saving...the pain is too deep ..kill him and hire a new AI
- by Seigfried Warheit - at 2014.04.18 22:23:00
108. I am guilty - in General Discussions [original thread]
Alex-P-Keaton Kramer wrote: xxwhitedevilxx M wrote: I skilled into sniper rifles. I tried one of my 93 Thale's TAR-07, for 4 consecutive matches. Total kills = 63 total deaths = 1. the real question is, what suit were you using? and be ...
- by Seigfried Warheit - at 2014.04.18 22:21:00
109. Who are the WORST palyers in the game? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Lorhak Gannarsein wrote: Probably the guys who can't outrun swarms with an ADS. (I didn't know they existed!!) Why and how do you even exist !? There are no trees in DUST514
- by Seigfried Warheit - at 2014.04.18 22:17:00
110. Who are the WORST palyers in the game? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Im a suck..I always get caught with my pants down for some reason
- by Seigfried Warheit - at 2014.04.18 22:16:00
111. Dropships... - in General Discussions [original thread]
Test Subject 371 wrote: I agree. While the lesser levels have always been sluggish, I think they've gotten worse, and My Python is considerably less agile than it used to be. Combine the lack of agility with what seems to be an amplified AV imp...
- by Seigfried Warheit - at 2014.04.18 22:13:00
112. Dropships... - in General Discussions [original thread]
Did they change the dropship speed of the grim/gorgon and myron/viper? Grim/Gorgon moves pretty slow compared to how it moved before which wasnt long ago..last week I think? (I'm not good with time)...which I guess makes sense cause its tanky? but...
- by Seigfried Warheit - at 2014.04.18 10:39:00
113. Dropship collision damage has changed... not in a good way. - in General Discussions [original thread]
I lightly grazed a friendly Python ship by accident with my wannabe Incubus as I didn't notice it as I was watching the ground trying to help my green immediately combusted into flames and blew up....I lost about 200-300 shields from tha...
- by Seigfried Warheit - at 2014.04.16 22:12:00
114. the bluedots.... - in General Discussions [original thread]
I love when they let red dots just walk on by without even shooting them...they did look at them but didn't shoot
- by Seigfried Warheit - at 2014.04.16 22:01:00
115. Commando contingengy and sidearm showdown rewards - in General Discussions [original thread] Second Bluetag post.
- by Seigfried Warheit - at 2014.04.10 18:34:00
116. Logis having 1 less total slot? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Logis are fine where they are at.......
- by Seigfried Warheit - at 2014.04.10 18:32:00
117. Proto Commando suits - in General Discussions [original thread]
Saberwing said sometime next week hopefully earlier Edit : Link to where he said it : It is his second post not the first in case some auto exit when they see the fir...
- by Seigfried Warheit - at 2014.04.10 18:21:00
118. Skill into AV if you're tired of getting destroyed by tanks? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Speedddogg wrote: ............Its just that when there are four tanks roaming the map, and every member of my team is in hiding, hoping the tanks don't notice them, its a problem. And I, and most others, can't really do anything about it..........
- by Seigfried Warheit - at 2014.04.10 01:33:00
119. Buff assault class. - in General Discussions [original thread]
Auris Lionesse wrote: I hereby nominate op for worst idea ever. Terrible idea, beyond terrible. Assaults are the heavy assault cruisers of dust. That means good tank and damage with cruiser speed. 2 bonuses for prerequisite skill 2 bonuses f...
- by Seigfried Warheit - at 2014.04.09 23:24:00
120. I'm confused - in General Discussions [original thread]
Godin Thekiller wrote: So, I start up dust, and go to do a skirm. I pick my hacking fit, which is a mostly speed fit Gal scout with a Ion pistol and shotty, cloak, and precision mods in the highs. I go around hacking points and installations (...
- by Seigfried Warheit - at 2014.04.08 10:33:00
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