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201. MAG2 would be... - in The Locker Room [original thread]
That is the type of comment that is usually said before a game becomes dead itself. Even the game in question had the same attitude as well and it lost more players then it gained.The same type of thinking was used in the Battlefield 3 beta and it...
- by Crm234 - at 2012.12.07 15:33:00
202. [Idea] Conquering EVE Spaceships - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
There is a older thread about this that I think i even message in, the conclusion i believe was that Eve players didn't want their spaceships mess with or really want Dust to effect Eve that greatly. ill edit with the thread name. https://forums...
- by Crm234 - at 2012.12.07 14:33:00
203. MAG2 would be... - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Its sad that we even have to have this thread because we looked at Dust as MAG 2 and more but never factor it maybe Dust didn't want to be a FPS. I really hope this next build is good because right now the direction of this game is spiraling RPG ...
- by Crm234 - at 2012.12.07 14:23:00
204. You know what i think....... - in General Discussions [original thread]
I don't think that they are there for stalling, but they are definitely more for PR then testing. I actually think play the devs is a good itdea
- by Crm234 - at 2012.12.07 04:24:00
205. CCP will ignore you if... - in General Discussions [original thread]
that sounds good once again in words , but put in the context of this beta is once again non sense. Your basically proud that your testing a cracked sample any data collected now is void from exploit, and outdated code. the testing process to crac...
- by Crm234 - at 2012.12.06 16:34:00
206. CCP will ignore you if... - in General Discussions [original thread]
well said but, nonsense. Your not trying to help CCP develop this beta your trying to get likes and you know by doing this type of threads if gets you likes. Yesterday`s event could of been avoided and handled a lot better than it did. There wou...
- by Crm234 - at 2012.12.06 13:51:00
207. An opinion U-Turn - in General Discussions [original thread]
different day , same crap. Someone post they don't like Dust and the defenders jump in to say "no you like Dust, you just don't know it yet just play more" Its not the FPS community because a lot of us have left for released games or have made th...
- by Crm234 - at 2012.12.06 01:33:00
208. MAG montage > Dust montage - in The Locker Room [original thread]
I do love how they tell us we can make threads about other games in the locker room , but then locked them down but on the other hand if you say that other game sucks they keep it open.
- by Crm234 - at 2012.12.05 20:01:00
209. Your take on Dust 514 - in General Discussions [original thread]
Right now it seems like a game either you will love or hate , there is no in the middle. Also it seems like a game you cant get your friend to be interested in. the person needs to want to play it on their own.
- by Crm234 - at 2012.12.05 02:49:00
210. Could there be some drop ship love in the future. :) - in General Discussions [original thread]
As a non pilot I cant speak from the flight controls , but almost every time ive been in a drop ship its usually a disaster. gunners shouldn't be able to shoot their own ship , its over looked coding that really needs to be fixed. I believe that ...
- by Crm234 - at 2012.12.05 02:27:00
211. how many people will play...... - in General Discussions [original thread]
your point one Oh didn't see its a beta defense coming , since its the holiday season do you believe every time you say "its a beta" an angel gets its wings?If the beta was fun with its limited gear, maps, and features then anything added would s...
- by Crm234 - at 2012.12.04 03:46:00
212. 48 players next build? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Since both the last comments seem like they never played MAG , yes that's true with the seperation . Till objectives were met slowly increasing the players you in counter . Ending with what I refered to as a relieve value control panel under const...
- by Crm234 - at 2012.12.04 03:15:00
213. how many people will play...... - in General Discussions [original thread]
So a dodgie no is your answer, if kdr is in a game it's always going to be about kdr. Why do betas always make rational people lose their common sense. Even this beta is a small reflection sample size of a player base after release and losing numbers
- by Crm234 - at 2012.12.04 03:03:00
214. how many people will play...... - in General Discussions [original thread]
Yes Pc games never die, but can you name me one console game that has been played 6 years straight with no sequel? In addition, this game has to make it on PS3 to get on the PS4 to Sony as well. I don't know numbers and waiting for the next releas...
- by Crm234 - at 2012.12.04 02:00:00
215. 48 players next build? - in General Discussions [original thread]
I would love to see 256 players in Dust and the thought of high player counts is what caught my eye about Dust but I don't think 256 players will ever happen on Dust. The market death system will squished any ability to have high player counts com...
- by Crm234 - at 2012.12.04 01:25:00
216. Look what you say and look what you do - in General Discussions [original thread]
Before we get 10 posts that reply your grammar sucks so everything you say is void. I really believe English is a second language to the op from periods,commas,and quotation marks.
- by Crm234 - at 2012.12.04 00:36:00
217. This game makes decent players good, and average players bad. - in General Discussions [original thread]
do you feel better after your throw the baby out with the bath water rant? I have no problem with having skills in Dust , I do dislike when skills are added for the sake of adding them like some pokemon CCP edition where i gotta collect them all....
- by Crm234 - at 2012.12.03 00:02:00
218. [Suggestion] "Skill Tree" - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
"This format is established in EvE, and it works." is not applying that Eve skill system is perfect? I am not trying to say we need a strict class base limiting skill tree but something a little simpler then the scrolling effect that happens for ...
- by Crm234 - at 2012.12.02 19:30:00
219. This game makes decent players good, and average players bad. - in General Discussions [original thread]
^^^^^^^^^ That all sounds great and I think everyone would understand that if it was happening but right now it seems like that is what you are believing is happening from updating proficiency from lvl 2 to lvl 3. To the main player base we are j...
- by Crm234 - at 2012.12.02 18:54:00
220. [Suggestion] "Skill Tree" - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
It is kinda funny how everyone has to open their minds to change but Eve players even when multiple people from multiple games give feedback about something. It just gives off the feeling that Eve players are just as closed minded as the people ...
- by Crm234 - at 2012.12.02 18:17:00
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