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3321. Unedited 1.8 Dev Blog - in General Discussions [original thread]
LMAO thats funny as hell.... "tha Minmatar Sentinel is capable of withstandin a shitload of tha harshest conditions up in tha galaxy yo."
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.13 02:17:00
3322. legitimate yet some what dumb question - in General Discussions [original thread]
My problem with the whole AV / Vehicle thing now is its actually a lot more straight forwards and boring than most realise.... Hardeners on all vehicles, everywhere. (Bar the odd fancy fit here or there or the really noob stupid fits) To kill as...
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.13 01:01:00
3323. Two million clone challenge - in General Discussions [original thread]
CCP Saberwing wrote: 75kcirtaP wrote: Two million clones in three days? Yeah, that's not happening. Where there's a will... I agree with Cmdr Wang - it's about setting the target realistically so that it doesn't feel too much of a grind. ...
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.12 23:25:00
3324. Race popularity - in General Discussions [original thread]
You can indeed, if you are willing to go through of all of the starter corps and add them up for each race (This is the only way I know how to look....) That is a list for all of the NPC starter corps in New Eden....
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.12 22:58:00
3325. Announcement:Dev Blog: Heavy and Light Reinforcement: Dropsuits of Upri... - in Announcement and Events [original thread]
NICE NICE NICEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Caldari Heavy looks bad ass! Dropsuit tree respec = what I expected would actually happen and TOTALLY FAIR PLAY CCP. I had over 4m sp saved up as well, guess I might as well blow it now on some crazy dropsuits I ...
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.12 19:39:00
3326. Now we see how much - in General Discussions [original thread]
Some people that play this game are anal to the Nth degree. They of course will continue to proto stomp because that is all they can do. There is nothing better to spend their isk on and in all honestly - half of them would be lost without their p...
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.12 07:02:00
3327. Ran an AA Experiment - in General Discussions [original thread]
Well I can tell you this, playing with the KB/M is like next level crazyness in this game. I can't use a silly controller to play FPS games. Rage inducing for sure.
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.12 06:59:00
3328. So I received...gloat mail? (First of a blog series of Aisha Ctarl) - in General Discussions [original thread]
You vermin only love Amarr for that overpowered scrambler rifle. If the scrambler rifle was "Balanced" to the same effect that the TAC was, I'm sure the Amarrian warriors would soon be coming down off their high horse. Btw - Viziam Scrambler Rif...
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.12 06:50:00
3329. What constitutes friendly fire? - in General Discussions [original thread]
DJINN Marauder wrote: Yes suicideing does count as friendly fire kills. Proof was in FW when FF just got put in. I knew a couple ppl who got kicked from killing themselves with RE's I thought this was because the game was counting damage d...
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.12 00:58:00
3330. PC players we have a job to do! - in General Discussions [original thread]
Clones lost in PC? LOL You are having a laugh aren't you? More like that's where everyone makes clones and makes passive isk. Bunch of locked district ***** corps.
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.11 18:44:00
3331. Is it just me or are A-scanners buggy as **** - in General Discussions [original thread]
Scans are certainly buggy. I have level 5 scanners and over time I have pretty much used each and every scanner at some point. I once was using the Duvolle quantum, and some guy was able to stealth around my scans. I asked him after the match "Wh...
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.11 18:41:00
3332. Thank You for no Respec on behalf of 30mSP+ vets - in General Discussions [original thread]
Yes, skill points are nice aren't they. Precious skill points....
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.11 05:03:00
3333. Is it just BurgezzE.T.F - in General Discussions [original thread]
We always call it the mushroom :)
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.10 23:45:00
3334. Sticky:The Million Clone Challenge - in Announcement and Events [original thread]
This is going to be the best event ever! Seriously CCP - I doubt you guys alot, but you really have been progressing with the events recently. I love events now! =D LET THE ZERG RUSH COMMENCE!
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.10 23:44:00
3335. New way to teamkill. The blueberry toaster! - in General Discussions [original thread]
The dark cloud wrote: Ever wanted to get rid of belueberrys in your dropship? Think no more i have invented the "blueberry toaster"! All you have to do is to find one of those turbine looking things that emit fire on top. Land with your dropshi...
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.10 23:41:00
3336. CCP - 1 Million Clone event could be the most fun event ever! - in General Discussions [original thread]
As the title states. Already there is a buzz on the forums. Sure, there will still be proto stompers that can't put down their best stuff even for one weekend but forget those fools. For the rest of us, its going to be ZERG HQ! I honestly am loo...
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.10 23:39:00
3337. Bye Bye Jove - in General Discussions [original thread]
User playable JOVE? Damn after watching the NEO tournament, I want to go play eve again. Sign me back up dammit!
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.10 17:00:00
3338. Million clone event strategery! - in General Discussions [original thread]
DO NO - I REPEAT - DO NOT USE NANITE INJECTORS! Everyone needs to zerg in cheap ass suits! Deaths everywhere please :)
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.10 16:31:00
3339. Sticky:The Million Clone Challenge - in Announcement and Events [original thread]
Damn CCP! This one does sound great! I guess this means no respec though, as we have been having lots of SP events. That's fine by me to be honest! Hell an extra 1m SP? I will take that!!
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.10 16:30:00
3340. [Video] PC vs Nyain San, 450 clones wiped in 2 games, stealth gamepl... - in General Discussions [original thread]
What was that laggy mess?
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.08 21:31:00
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