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141. A message to BHD - in General Discussions [original thread]
Sweet, a hate thread about BHD thanks for the attention!! I'll definately keep bumping this thread. LMFAO
- by Blammmo - at 2013.05.19 13:43:00
142. Officer/rare salvage drops - in General Discussions [original thread]
Just got 10x Gastuns HMGs yesterday, although the officer loot seems fewer and farther between now :(
- by Blammmo - at 2013.05.19 03:53:00
143. Come on CCP, how about some selling and trading? - in General Discussions [original thread]
How far out is the ability to sell loot, or possibly trade items even if only within your corp? I'm sitting on a TON of stuff that is of no value to me and would like to turn it into something that I WILL use
- by Blammmo - at 2013.05.18 03:30:00
144. How do I graduate from Battle Academy? - in General Discussions [original thread]
By wiping your butt
- by Blammmo - at 2013.05.17 22:33:00
145. [BHD] Better Hide R Die GÇö Recruiting and Get-to-Know-Us Thread - in Corporation Recruitment [original thread]
I like that
- by Blammmo - at 2013.05.17 14:37:00
146. FULL SCALE SKILL RESET - in General Discussions [original thread]
Lol, reset isn't gonna happen folks, CCP can't risk losing paying customers this early in the games stage, but keep trying to stir shiat up, it gives me a good laugh to read this stuff
- by Blammmo - at 2013.05.16 22:17:00
147. D.A.R.K L.E.G.I.O.N - Open Member & Alliance Recruitment - in Corporation Recruitment [original thread]
Hey guys/gals, I'm looking forward to hittin up a few matches with you, so if you see me on the alliance chat channel and are looking for an extra Heavy in your squad send me an invite anytime
- by Blammmo - at 2013.05.16 21:52:00
148. [BHD] Better Hide R Die GÇö Recruiting and Get-to-Know-Us Thread - in Corporation Recruitment [original thread]
Nice, looking forward to squading up with some Dark Legion
- by Blammmo - at 2013.05.16 21:48:00
149. Love the New Forum Avatars! - in General Discussions [original thread]
BigussDikkuss wrote: How long did it take to come up with all ONE of them? Well...two if you count the female version I guess. Whoa! I just saw a SECOND one now! Woo-Hoo! Rock and Roll! Why did you copy my avatar?
- by Blammmo - at 2013.05.14 22:58:00
150. BETA PLAYERS RESET? - in General Discussions [original thread]
I would have walked away if they had reset my SP
- by Blammmo - at 2013.05.14 22:02:00
151. [BHD] Better Hide R Die GÇö Recruiting and Get-to-Know-Us Thread - in Corporation Recruitment [original thread]
Keep these interesting and likeable posts coming people! They are great. What is not to like about them
- by Blammmo - at 2013.05.14 21:32:00
152. what was the human endurance reward ? - in General Discussions [original thread]
CCP your reward is garbage and you should feel bad...
- by Blammmo - at 2013.05.14 14:02:00
153. Human Endurance Event Reward - in General Discussions [original thread]
Is junk. Anyone who wants my reward can have it
- by Blammmo - at 2013.05.14 13:51:00
154. Repair Tool Logis, where art thou? - in General Discussions [original thread]
I haven't seen as much repair or revive action from logis in the last week either, I can mash that help button as many times as I want and I know nobody is showing up, the 3 times I have been revived in the last few days, one was a corpmate and th...
- by Blammmo - at 2013.05.13 12:30:00
155. [BHD] Better Hide R Die GÇö Recruiting and Get-to-Know-Us Thread - in Corporation Recruitment [original thread]
- by Blammmo - at 2013.05.13 02:35:00
156. [BHD] Better Hide R Die GÇö Recruiting and Get-to-Know-Us Thread - in Corporation Recruitment [original thread]
BTW, I'm going to start spamming likes to anyone that posts here, so if your a "like" farmer, keep the posts coming
- by Blammmo - at 2013.05.12 16:40:00
157. [BHD] Better Hide R Die GÇö Recruiting and Get-to-Know-Us Thread - in Corporation Recruitment [original thread]
- by Blammmo - at 2013.05.12 16:38:00
158. HMG Review (as unbiased as possible...I promise :D ) - in General Discussions [original thread]
Thank you CCP for listening to your community, the HMG is once again a feared weapon on the battlefield, IMO, it's perfect, the proto carves turkeys and the standard still puts up a bit of a fight with good aim and some luck! I'm a happy fat bastard
- by Blammmo - at 2013.05.11 04:32:00
159. How's the HMG now? - in General Discussions [original thread]
I can deal with it now, it is absolutely great to be able to take someone down solo again, I can get used to the range nerf, cover is essential, but the heavy is a threat once again
- by Blammmo - at 2013.05.11 04:25:00
160. battle finder - in General Discussions [original thread]
Had the same problem about 9 times tonight with a full squad of 6.
- by Blammmo - at 2013.05.11 04:21:00
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