I have seen 2 EoN PR posts today, you guys got old a long time ago, some of the corps are respectable BUT most are not.
The community sees you for what you are. All the "Wah we are victims" posts are making you look worse day by day.
1: No1 is gonna waste there time makeing a 20-30 corp alliance just to fight the pro thumb wigglers, its too much of a headache and not worth the time.
2: Keep MH, no1 cares. The only thing ruining PC is you why you say? Refer to number 1, 15 corp alliance is more trouble then its worth keep MH no1 gives a chit.
3: The only reason you guys are running these PR posts anyway is because your leadership got roasted and you all look like chest thumping morons at present: Refer to
https://forums.dust514.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=98650&find=unread Read Page 3 Ignore the trolls (Puppies) EoN brought in to derail the post and get there sorry excuse for leadership out of it.
4: You guys fail to realise the future of this game and PC is not EON, Its the new corps, new alliances, and new players.
PC and the game will Flurish if EoN dissolved today then everyone could actually enjoy the game and have all the wars they want without pro thumb wigglers calling the shots.
5: EoN-Planetary Response= 1 in the same the only difference was there execution. PRO made a corp of huge numbers - While EoN made an alliance with huge numbers. EoN just happened to execute it better than ContraBanJoe, other than that they are the same thing.
6: Dont give us the oh we helped indies crap again either, that wasnt to help anything but your wallet and make it so you control who comes and gos in PC. You keep doing it because when ever they need ringers you are the one they pay. Its all PR BS and business not to "Save the game" If you wanna save it split the alliance. Give away alll your districts and then you will have battles again. But you wont because your that irritateing GF that wants all the money she can get. HERES YOUR PROOF FROM THE MAN HIMSELF.
CHICAGOCUBS4EVER wrote:Another satisfied customer that seemed to think owning land gave them rights to keep it. U know of all the land I've sold not a single corp has taken out the insurance policy I offered. Likely cause its not cheap, but since when are guarantees cheap?
7: EON quit calling every post that makes you look bad QQ, your just making yourselves sound even more ignorant.
8: I now leave this open to the Chest thumping EoN trolls to come QQ about another PR failure. GG thumb wigglers.

Update: Left somthing out.
In regards to 4 and 6. EoN has officialy made Chronos and Sha look like Robin Hood. (Which is sad to say) They have done those things and made PC a bit more active while not actually intending to do so.
Confidential Informants- If any other EoN members like myself or ex-members would like to submit information without any repercussions E-mail me at
[email protected] and together maybe we can save the EoN name from what it is currently known as, a joke. Then maybe we can rebuild after we get rid of the guys and corps creating this mess.
DAILY UPDATES- I will be updating this post daily as the guys contradict themselves with there "We are just humble dust servents speaches". All the dirt will be gathered and stored RIGHT HERE for everyone to see.