STABBEY wrote:Iskandar Zul Karnain wrote:STABBEY wrote:
You are part of LOI's problem, you are too scared to speak the truth because you think you will never be in PC again. Grow a pair. I didnt QQ I stated facts.
Instead of facing the facts they called in the puppies to b*tch moan and complain about irrelevant things to knock this thread off topic.
I hope you are 1 of the players that jumps to PS4, LOI will never move forward with that Care bear attitude. Quit being a p*ssy and man up. Before you respond to this maybe me you and punisher should sit down and have a chat.
Well that escalated quickly. Nice to see you're keeping your head.

Please, come steer the ship into the rocks.
I'm sure what Dust needs is another alliance dissolving, or another corp leaving PC forever, or more people quitting from broken spirits.
You're just mad you got blue balled and couldn't fight until you expended every last clone, ISK, etc.. etc..
Smart plan, STABBEY.
Please, let us all know how exactly how you will ever be relevant if your political and military platform consists of burning yourself to the ground.
Coming from the little b*tch that logged off when he was asked to be a leader? You were the only person in leadership that was on at the time when the O.H. crap occured I asked you what was going on when all the other leadership was asking what was going on. All we got out of you was an "Uhm" and you logged off running from the problem instead of standing up and leading. You yourself are a joke all bark no bite.
You wanna suck EoN's d*ck with the rest of there puppies just drop the LOI tag and go suck EoN's d*ck and pray they accept your ignorant a**. The rest of LOI has morals and Honor, you dont. This isnt disney land we cant all be friends its a damn war game.
You wanna defend EoN to your own alliance? Thats fine at the end of the day no1 on either side will respect you, and you will just be laughed out of the game with the rest of the idiots.
LOI are good guys, I've known alot of them since the game started in closed beta. You are not 1 of them, the alliance dosent want members with divided loyaltys. If your loyal to EoN then GTFO.
The rest of LOI will not drop to there knees as you have.
You we're the
only person having a full scale panic attack when O.H. attacked.
We knew their attack would be a possibility and so it is not to your credit that when it did happen you lost your head.
I made it clear to you I would contact Punisher in regards to the status of the ceasefire and that you should not retaliate until we had a better understanding of the situation. It's easy to react. It's easy to call for all out war. Broken and burnt-out corps are full of people like you.
As for logging off, you got your answer, it's not my responsibility to stay online with you and hold your hand while you have a meltdown. Considering O.H. is a mad-dog, and considering retaliatory action would torpedo the agreement, I'm curious what your solution would have been. Go off half-cocked with half the information? Makes sense, I guess.
If you are so butt-hurt by the fallout from this ceasefire why were you so quiet during our alliance meetings? For someone so vocal about their policy on the forums you are strangely mute in real life. If it really rustles your jimmies so much why did you not speak up more? Why did you accept our decisions? Why didn't you stand up for your pride and honor and all those other super-serious video game things you so clearly judge your self-worth on?
Obviously, anyone who doesn't agree with you is a traitor and a p*ssy. That sentiment necessarily extends far past myself to most of the leadership in the LoI. It's actually all a grand conspiracy to harvest your QQ before we join EoN (which has been our master plan all along). Once our alliances merge we will have finally accomplished the giant blue d!ldo we've all worked so hard to create.
You make it sound like the LoI was fcuking you on EoN's behalf but as I recall you were pretty busy pushing back during our
alliance meetings. Now you come on here and want to accuse people of being h0mos. Get some sunshine, brodude.
I like the name calling though.
Please, call me more names with those tears in your eyes - it makes my d!ck hard.