Gods Architect wrote:Ion Crush wrote:Gods Architect wrote:VicBoss wrote:We attack you for kittens and giggles. We found who really controls your districts. We found that out of 16 players only 6 of them were Durrty Boyz. Sadly the ringers were just the normal Caldari Logi Flaylocked and Contacted nade losers from the "Glorious corps" of TCD toxicated and SVER Truebloods. We really suggest that Dem Durrty Boyz rename their district 4 RENT, because that is the obvious function of the district. Also something of note, is that Dem Durrty Boyz not only paid the ringers to fight for them, but also to trash talk with them and say how we tried to AWOX them. I have one thing to say, if we wanted to AWOX you wouldn't we have rather brought a full 16 to the match? We only brought 12 guys, and it was still a close fight, just know, Durrty Boyz and all other Indies, that we will come for you, and we will kill you.... all. We thank you for your cooperation.

Here is something for your enjoyment umad bro

Just laughing at how pathetic it all was.
ha ok cuz he sounded mad and I thought he may had wanted some isk back for ur struggles. Anyways all jokes aside I did not participate on any pc recently but TCD and SVER are not together on any corporate business that I currently know of but hell things may have changed. Its a savage world and complaining and stating on the forums doesn't change the fact of who was the victor. Don't take it personal but it's only business
I don't even think the issue is about that.... its kind of that compared to indy corps you guys are on another level
in eve terms your tech II and were tech I.
I think it would be awesome if the indies could have their own wars... but that wont happen so its going to be a mater of which groups hire who in EoN..... yeah its fine but its not enjoyable.
Tbh I would love to write lore about my alliance and its working in PC.... but if I have to write "The battle saw the two opposing team of..... Teamplayers and Synergy Games set up at the ......" that would not make for good or entertaining story telling.... and that's all indy matches are.
Peeps in the big name corps get bored and ring for the smaller corps essentially taking over the war and making it X vs EoN or EoN vs EoN.
Again New Eden is a tough place with harsh laws, and mercs are the name of the game.... though it would be nice to look my real enemies in the eye/ face plate as I fight.
(Not that PIE has anything to do with PC at all and probably never will)