A prologue should include that on D-Day NF had only managed to land 2 district on Hrober 8 in a field of EON held territory, however Delta Force attacked NF at the behest of CRONOS to keep us occupied in our own space. Over the course of 3 days we were in heavy combat with not only Delta Force but through the use of mercenary forces found ourselves fighting CRONOS and Orion Empire over the Delta Force controlled Hrober V and our territories on Hrober VIII.
After the 3 battles and severe and heavy losses CRONOS ceased providing assistance to their puppets and Delta Force was left to fend for themselves with the assistance of its allies from it alliance members in the Orion Empire. However by this point the enemy morale was so shaken they stopped defending their lands and left them empty as we secured Hrober V for ourselves.
Sources from within Opus Arcana revealed that this had not only caused a massive exodus from Delta Force but from within the Orion Empire itself for having provoked NF into war.
http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/D3LTA_FORC3/stats/2013-05-01:2013-10-02http://evemaps.dotlan.net/alliance/Orion_Empire/stats/2013-05-01:2013-07-08Soon after NF was contracted to remove EON from the Hrober system to make way for an outside group who had interests in the region. The initial contract included 9 attacks at an undisclosed figure with the option for future followup if desired by the outside group (it was desired by the way). However after 3 battles against the warriors of Syn we were contacted by its leader to seek armistice, not because of cowardice but because of economics. EON had suddenly found itself in a proxy war with NF but was mainly focused on CRONOS however due to the relative distance of CRONOS space waging the wars could have led to potential bankruptcy and complete evacuation of Molden Heath.
After protracted discussions a negotiated treaty was reached in which EON graciously transferred its territories in the Hrober System over to NF for them to secure and transfer to said outside parties. In exchange a coalition was formed to take on CRONOS in their space. A strategy was devised and a contract was secured by NF to take out SVER prime (aka Regnums Shitter) which contrary to popular belief was not a personal attack on NF's part (though an added bonus) but a key strategic point that would allow NF to stage district clone attacks on CRONOS space from the North while EON and Hellstorm pushed from the South first by attacking Bosena and then meeting up with NF to systematically take apart Ostelvur.
During the SVER fight however CRONOS began to show signs of battle fatigue

and having also sustained losses in Aedald by EON seemed to completely give up the fight.
The rest is pretty much well documented and needs no further backstory. CRONOS basically abandoned PC, the Nerds who Loves Boobs Coalition had no reason to exist. NF by this time having fought many battles alongside their comrades in Nayain San grew bored and decided to abandon all territories at firesale prices and eventually outright abandoning them all together as it NEVER had interest in being a landowner.
I would write more about the specific battles of Nayain San but they deserve a thread for themselves because they fought more battles then I could personally account for not only against CRONOS but ROFL as well. There story is one of greatness for a team so small did so much under the radar and under continued and sustained bombardment for 6 weeks.
Edit- The Imperfect Free Press also began writing articles on the Rules of Engagement and with the support of its friends at the EON World Report and other Press agencies began to put Pressure on the Council of Contested Planets (CCP) to create new rules of war that would allow for more ruthless fighting and the cessation of Colonial Era Military Combat.