Soldiersaint wrote:Sev Alcatraz wrote:Well the humble Transport known as the Light attack vehicle is being used as a battering ram for the Lazy and maybe even "unskilled" FPS players
Then comes the Issue of -Nowhere to run
-this can be solved in many ways, adding railings, trenches and barriers that are easily traversed by foot soldiers yet impossible to get over with wheeled vehicles
__HAV's are exempt from this as tracked vehicles can climb over and crawl over obstacles at lower speeds (and you Don't see HAV's running people down__
Damage to vehicles and Infantry
if you hit a 200 LB Armor clad object that is 7 FT tall and 2 1/2 FT at the shoulders at 40 Km/H that should cause significant damage to a light vehicle
-Add Ragdoll physics, upon hitting a target there should not be an instant kill, but the target should be thrown over/to the side of or run over by the vehicle and not die, but be left significantly wounded.
Now, many people think "buff AV to ""Fix"" lavs" but you will inevitably cripple the other classes of vehicles that were previously being slaughtered across the board.
A 25% decrease In the base health to all LAV's, The state LAV's are in right now they remind me of the Canadian built Coyote LAV which has an ANti-tank gun on it and has 8 wheels.
Are LAV's too readily available? A free LAV can run down any Proto suit with it's back turned with no consequence other then the thump they make when they hit the bumper
I was in a match today and managed to just barely fight off 4 LAV's with a flaylock and AV naeds,
first throw your skill out the window...this is war.....there is no skill in do whatever it takes to win.....of course all try hard sport lovers get on this game and whine when there stupid assault rifle cant kill a lav...since your so good at this game why don't you stop whining and destroy the lav...or you can go back to wont get run over on that game....because its about fair play and all that trash.....dust 514 and eve are all about absolute victory be any means...that includes the murder taxi....skill into av or don't play the sick and tired of you infantry only whores whining about something thats is actually very weak.. if one or two guys pull out some adv swarms those lavs are finished....again get some av or get out! av nades and a flaylock pistol? of course you could barely fight them off.what idiot takes on lavs with a flaylock pistol and av nades?any guy with a brain in his head will pull out a forge gun or swarms...of course i'm sure your one of those guys who does not want to skill into av.....if thats the case then you deserve to get run over....
I have been here a very, very long time...I have skilled into every class at least once, From the legendary E3 to chrome some i ran everything, I was around for the Rail gun instant win and carpet bombing missiles. I have seen ever il conceived piece of content in this game and i can definitely say I HAVE NEVER PLAYED COD AND NEVER WILL.
I am SPecced into AV and if you have ever gotten out of your LAV and tried to kill a Logi lav with ADV AV nades? the bastards laugh at them and sprint away.
PS. get out of your lav and use a gun you self righteous LAV driving *****