SnakeSix wrote:CharCharOdell wrote:CoD isAIDS wrote:SnakeSix wrote:Gonna make an alt tomorrow, tanker.
Any good fits? Should I go for armor/shields? Maintaining income? Railgun or Blaster?
Any tips and help is very appreciated.
Start skilling when you have 10mil SP.
lies. if you have good tactics, you only need 4- enough to gate all the modules for either armor or shield tanks and the standard hulls. thats all i run and i win 90% of every tank battle I fight. If I lose, it's because my tactics suck; not my gear. (opposite of Chromosome)
Thank god, a vet! Teach me your secrets!
Well, if you're serious about becoming a padawan, I'll teach you everything I know when I get my ps3 back from the shop on monday. I'll be honest: I'm good and tactics carry me a good bit, but I don't have the best tanks in the world. That being said, 4 mil SP and I can build you a pretty amazing tank. 10% resistance isn't going to save you. 10% repair bonus wont save you. Outhinking your opponent will always save you, thought it will not guarentee you a kill- but that's my philosophy- "The Honey Badger Tanking Method". I tell people to win the ISK war before they think about winning the fight, and in my book, if you can make money off of just tanks, you're one of the best because the number of people who can do that without aurum, llavs, or infantry compensation can be counted on one hand- hell...I can't even profit. I break even for the most part.
As for your fittings, I don't go about it like a lot of other guys will; that is to say they use calculators and spreadsheets. I build tanks like one makes a sculpture or evolution takes place- tweaks here and their until it feels right. Basically, I'm gonna need to see you in game. Until then, I'd reccomend
Void Echo's Tanking Guide for the science behind tanking, and
my own guide about starting out as a brand new tanker and how to 'play the social battlefield'. These probably won't answer everything, as it helps to roll with a really experienced tanker to teach you the tiniest details like 'play like an assault gun/jagdpanther' or 'post up on corners, ledges, cliffs' as these things are more arts than sciences and a lot of good tanking comes from experience and knowing what will likely get you killed and what won't. Risk vs Reward is a much riskier game for us than anyone else because we have the chance to go 30:0 easier than anyone else given the right circumstances, but more likely than not, you will end up 6 games of isk in the hole for one rash decision for one meaningless kill.
I know you said this is an alt, so it's safe to assume that you probably aren't in one of the big 4 alliances, or you would know a very good tanker by now. If you want, I can help get you set up with everything you will need and I don't ask for money- ever. At least, not until you are financially stable enough with tanks to pay me back because I've been known to give 1.4 mil ISK tanks to newberries just because I like to teach people.