AnALogginS wrote:Because all these people who are that pathetic to just exploit this games balance. You are pathetic. You ruin this game for decent players everyday, Decent meaning people who have Princibles. Who wont just outright use the strongest stuff in the game. Sheild tankers with Mass drivers and Flaylocks.
Never have i seen in any other game so many people decided "flock" to the exploits of the game.
What the hell are you doing about iyour game CCP? I dont want vegitation, Or Sounds when i get the headshot.
I want poeple who play this game as its entended to be to actually be able to have fun. These chumps always say " Adapt or die" are the same enabeling MW cowards who exploit the game. This is Turning new players away from the game and hurting everyone...
Its getting to the point where the player base you will be left with are these people who will do anything to win. Rather than develope there own style.
A pistol should not be able to be used as a primary wepon. let aloan beat out EVERY other primary in the game
And your refusal to do anything about it is truly an embarresment. Im tired of being nice and patient. This is deplorable. How long will this take while these cowards farm your dedicated players get farmed everyday by people who have no repect for other player or the well being and survival of the game.
And there the ones making money.
People shouldent be allowed to do this. This has gone on for WWWWAAAAYYYY TOOO LONG!
What is being done about this. Because its clearley the first thing that needs to be adressed.
If in a day you tryed to count all the pathectic, talentless Puss*s that ran flaylocks, in med suits sheild tanked you lose count. Theres no reason this shouldent have been fixed right after everyone relized just how imbalanced this game is.
Shame on all of you losers who cant devlope there own style. Who choose to only use whats strongest. You ruin it for everyone and drive people away.
Way to be original. Now all you abusers put up you "QQ" Posts because we know thats why all you ignorant chumps use these forums for, incriminate yourselfs. Nobodys trying to help. In fact only try to defend a part of the game thats clearley broken and is the first thing that needs and has needed attention for weeks.
And by the time it gets fixed a couple hundred people(Maybe thousand) who tryed it out never will again. And more and more vets are leaving everyday. What a shame. The combination of CCp not fixing these HUGE Imbalances and the fact that there enough pathetic losers( alot of which have no excuse as there from the best corps and being here sence close beta) Choosing to exploit will continue to screw this up for everyone.