I got the idea from
HERE, and over
HERE the CPM said it would require some back up from a reliable source like a big corporation.
Yeah... I don't have that kind of support but I figured it would be pretty cool if I could get a lottery to work anyway...
So this is how we would do it. Since this would be all new and stuff and know one knows whether or not this is a scam I would need 10 people to agree to trying it out with a minimum of 5. That is if I can't get at least 5 people to take the risk then the lottery idea becomes a bust (for now at least).
For the very first round ticket prices will be 50k isk and people can only buy one ticket. I imagine players are more afraid of being scammed than losing a lot of money (that's just the icing). But 50k isn't a lot considering even a bad player can make that amount back in a single ambush.
My ultimate goal is to follow the EvE equivalent,
BIG lottery, as suggested by the CPM above. I plan to make an alt character (Mamertine Lotteries) where all ticket purchase would made and this lottery character would finance itself. That means any extra funds acquired from drawings would simply be recirculated to increase prizes or cover the cost of prizes should there be not enough people playing.
Here's a little road map for you.
Lottery #1 - Alpha test10 entries only, one ticket per person, 50k each
1st Prize: 300k
2nd Prize: 200k
3rd Prize: 100k
And if you do the math. 10 entries, 50k each, equals 500k and the prizes are a total of 600k which means I have to cover 100k. But since this is a trial run I figure it makes sense to do it this way. Eventualy ticket sales should finance themselves.
Lottery #2 - Beta test20 entries only, one ticket max per person, 10k each
1st Prize: 300k
2nd Prize: 200k
3rd Prize: 100k
Math: 200k tickets, 600k prizes equals 400k I have to cover. (we'll cross that bridge when we get there).
Lottery #3 - Post-Beta test30 entries only, 5 tickets max per person, 5k each
1st Prize: 350k
2nd Prize: 225k
3rd Prize: 125k
Math: 750k (potential) tickets, 700k prizes equals... 50k net gain, huzzah!
Lottery #X - Post-Post-Beta testNo maximum, some large max of tickets per person, 1k each
1st Prize: 40% ----------> 350k min.
2nd Prize: 30% ---------> 225k min.
3rd Prize: 25% ----------> 125k min.
Math: if all goes well, 95% of pool goes to winners, extra 5% gets recycled into the next lottery drawing or to finance future lotteries.
The ticket drawing itself would occur through a little java program I made with a simple randomizer (for more info on random number generators go here
Random.org). The program would select 3 tickets from the list of tickets ensuring no duplicates of ticket number or player name.
--------------> reserved for youtube demonstration
I will post a youtube link for every drawing, just so you guys see whats happening, either here or somewhere on the forums. I first need to find out how to record my computer screen.
Remember this is
NOT for profit. The lottery character, Mamertine Lotteries, will simply be there to finance the lottery.
Any payments will have to be made according to exact ticket prices. (i.e. if tickets cost 1k, 5k will get you 5 tickets). If you pay any amount greater than the ticket price the extra money will be
refunded to you. In fact, if you want as a kind of test, make an irregular payment (like 50,001) so that I can refund it. Also If you pay less than the cost of a single ticket you will be refunded but not given a ticket.
OK, I think that covers everything. Hopefully, if I can get enough support, CCP might spread the word and then I'll be famous.


(CCP, any comments?)
Lets do a lottery, I know we're in New Eden but this isn't a scam.
Thanks for at least listening.