DUST Fiend
OSG Planetary Operations Covert Intervention
Posted - 2013.06.21 04:34:00 -
[1] - Quote
DUST Fiend wrote:Marston VC wrote:Rather then feeling locked down why don't you play and side spec into something, thus opening up more avenues for you to play down? I mean.... did you feel locked down in militia/STD gear when you had zero SP??? Maybe..... But you didn't say "**** it ill go play another game" you said "ok ill work hard for the next week or two to unlock the stuff I want to play with"..... so why cant you do that again??? ive been doing since last July and I cant say im as uncaring as you seem to be right now..... If I started this game today, I actually would say **** it and just go play something else. I stuck it out because I'm a closed Beta vet. Why would I side spec? I can't afford boosters, I have to be stingy as **** with every SP I get unless I want to not be competitive. Of course you can kill proto's in militia gear. Try that against a full squad of communicating proto's There's a reason that serious corps won't allow you in PC without a fully fleshed out and focused build. Game is boring. Period. There is virtually no persistence or meaning, specifically to the individual. We have to grasp at "metagame" in order to justify to ourselves that our decisions have any meaning outside of directly effecting how much we like or hate this game
---------- DISCLAIMER ------------ This isn't directed towards Marston, but looking back at this comment I wanted to go a little bit deeper into my opinion / experience with this. So, if it gets a bit ugly, which I hope it won't, I just wanted to have that be known --------- / DISCLAIMER -----------
DUST 514 is currently an MOFPS
It is not an MMOFPS, an MMORPGFPS, or even, as some like myself have jested; an FPSRPG (lol FF514)
It is a Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter. In theory, and in practice, through slight growing connections such as Planetary Conquest and Corporations, one might argue that DUST 514 deserves to be called Massive. As it stands, unless you're waving an imaginary dream wand in front of your face, DUST 514 currently lacks anything that indicates a Massive, persistent, breathing; meaningful and tasteful environment, both economically and physically.
I'm not going to sit here and ask you where all the things I want are. I'm actually not just a whiny ***** as some likely believe. I like to kick up the dirt when I'm aggravated, but I always attempt to do so in a constructive and relevant way. I understand that reality =/= vision, and when **** hits the fan, and you're controlling a company and working with so many people and doing so many things, that only so much can be done; especially within the confines of what Sony allows.
With that said. It is hard for us to put faith in your vision anymore, when going from 8 v 8 to 16 v 16 in a corp match was something cool. It is hard for us to put our faith in your vision, when the choices that you make effect little more than numbers on a sheet; and resound little further than the timid pops of "futuristic" weapons fire. It is hard for us to put our faith in you, that when performance issues are taking a long time to actually become considered polished, I should be concerned that if I'm short on time or skill; you know, maybe I should purchase some Aurum today.
In short, I know that "EVEntually" we will get to that beautiful pie in the sky that you're all working ever so diligently on creating. However, in the here and now, the fact that the most meaningful choice I can make is directly proportional to how much I will enjoy my style of play and the future of my "competitive" "career" for many many months to come....yea, it honestly doesn't set well with me anymore. The EVE mentality does not always translate into the FPS reality, not completely. To avoid what is already a massive wall of text, I'll end on that note, and comment if this doesn't get trolled into the dusty pits of General. |
DUST Fiend
OSG Planetary Operations Covert Intervention
Posted - 2013.06.21 13:02:00 -
[3] - Quote
Marston VC wrote:So once im able to take a squad of me and my buddies into a PVE match were we can just relax and have fun..... god I cant wait for it.
To be fair, those would be puny little high sec drones; not good loot.
What I see, personally, is having the entire district map opened up in low sec and beyond. Drone infestations happen, which can be scanned down by a friendly EVE pilot. Once the cluster is identified, the EVE pilot can then transmit the coordinates to all friendly dusties in the system (not just the planet). Those in the system receive a notification, those on the planet receive a notification and an objective marker.
These clusters have TONS of loot, and good ones at that. Mostly industry loot that is sold back to EVE pilots, but also plenty of weapons modifications pieces, as well as things for dust engineers to reverse engineer and turn into stronger pieces of equipment. What this would do is create fierce competition for resources, in an open ended PvPvE environment.
As far as I'm concerned, that's where the real hardcore players will be found. Noobs would CONSTANTLY get ambushed, being scanned down by scout LAVs with a targeted long range scanner on its turret slot. Covert dropships would quietly float in as snipers confirmed no detection drones in the area. As the noobs engaged hostile drones, a full squad of proto bunnies would leap out, attacking them just enough to distract them, laughing hysterically as they get slaughtered by a wave of tiny drones.
One day I think I'm just aggravated by how long it's taking just to get polished mechanics up and running, along with the constant AUR adds (par the course for f2p I know, and not nearly as bad as others) and the pretty failed attempt at vehicle vs AV balance over my time being here.
::shrugs:: |