Excuse me if I have problems making a coherent thread, I am good at trolling, not writing long serious posts.
I was an EVE player for a few years, and I have always wanted to play Dust 514.
My PS3 was my preferred place to play (Sorry PC Master race, consoles are just more fun to me) so having a game in the EVE universe on my PS3? Sign me on!
I managed to get into the beta, and while the game was glitchy I enjoyed it, for a while.
Here we are, 14 months later, and the game is... not that different.
The game still has a glitchy feeling, the graphics have only slightly improved (except for the lighting, but everything else is still bad), we got maybe, what, 3 new maps?
And content wise we barely got anything.
In this time, a team of developers could make a whole new game, and it would still be better in every other aspect.
I love CCP, I love the idea, but the execution is subpar.
I supported this game for the longest time, I dropped more money on it than any other game to support it, but in 14 months you have barely advanced.
I am constantly providing feedback and talking to the devs on IRC, I am very active on the forums, I am very dedicated to this game and I brought many of my friends to try it.
But I'm starting to get tired of this game.
The excuse that it is Free to Play doesn't hold much water, its just a business model, you still make money off of it, and there are plenty of games coming that are free to play and are polished and fun.
With the PS4 on the horizon, and games like Destiny, Planetside 2, Warframe, Blacklight retribution and more, you won't have the benefit of being the only Free to Play shooter on a console.
These games are far more polished than Dust514, and while yes they don't have a connection to EVE, we barely see it in Dust either.
Oh so EVE ships can drop orbital strikes!...
What else?
What about players that don't participate in PC? Where do they see the connection?
This game MUST get into gear and start releasing content, fixing bugs and GETTING THE CORE MECHANICS RIGHT.
Seriously, this game was in development for like what, 5-6 years now?
And you still don't have the aiming nailed down?
You have 5 more months until the PS4 drops, if this game isn't up to par by then to at least by fun, you are going to lose a LOT of players, me included.
I will still keep checking in on the forums, talking on IRC etc', since this community is the best part of Dust.
But I won't be playing, and I won't be dropping a single cent.
Do you want to know why your entire community is bitter? Its because of this, its because you have been making promises for 14 months and done barely anything.
This is a wake up call, get into reality CCP, this game WILL DIE if you don't get into gear.
I say this because I want this game to be awesome, I don't want it to fail, I want it to rise through the ashes like EVE did.
Here is a video of someone who thinks like I do about the game, so this is what I just wrote only in video form:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCYslKa9P5cPlease CCP.
And I won't give you guys my stuff, its mine

If by some miracle, this game survives into the next 2 years, I might come back, but it doesn't seem like its going to happen.