Mithridates VI wrote:Disclaimer: I am a member of Negative Feedback so there's a risk of having a pro-Kane bias.
Because I can't see where the "Kane lies" upset is coming from.
In my reading, Kane approached the discussion with a tone that betrayed a position of power. Clearly, in his assessment, there was no risk in bluntly stating that things either go his way or STB gets wiped off the map. While in such a position, the only options left available to the losing party are to surrender what the stronger party wants to lessen suffering and appease the attacking party, or gamble on being able to muster a defence.
Kane came in and very directly asked about STB's diplomatic position. The only reason not to be so blunt about such a thing is if you have any fear of your opponent or wish them not to know your objectives. Kane is very clear that his objective is to hold land on "SVER Prime". "Your planet is a gateway. Since it wasn't being used to attack it needed to change hands."
Quickgloves misjudges his position because he is totally politically incompetent and attempts to make demands. "we should meet on comms", "tell me who order the hit".
He provides no motivation for Kane to do so, so Kane does not, explaining that bad luck has simply placed STB as an obstacle between NF and its objectives.
Quickgloves continues to misunderstand his position and tries to weasel further details out of Kane, "so Imps attacked in order to try and effect Cronos". Kane has no motivation to provide this information. A clever diplomat would have understood this and avoided looking like a weasel by not asking. Kane simply replies that Quickgloves is free to draw his own conclusions.
Quickgloves tries to malign Kane by explaining that CRONOS never attacked them but IMPs did, explaining the current hostilities. "if you wanted to secure the back door you could have come talked to me", "the proper way to handle things diplomatically". What Quickgloves fails to understand is that, modesty discarded, conquest of SVER prime was inevitable from the moment NF decided they wanted it. It was more a question of time and nobody considers Quickgloves to be capable of the swift and efficient diplomacy that would have made a conversation a worthwhile way to approach.
Kane explains "Well, your options are lose SVER Prime or make war to the south with the rest of Molden Heath."
Some will attempt to frame this as bullying. It is a simple statement of fact made by someone who gains nothing from talking about that fact that if he wants SVER Prime, he can have it.
Then comes one of the major sources of upset.
Kane explains "We really only want 4 districts". "This would be an official NAP with IMP. We would also give back the districts after the campaign. Otherwise we will launch a massive attack and clear you by this weekend."
This is a very simple proposition. Surrender or die.
Quickgloves responds in proper tactless form and calls Kane annoying, says he has a terrible way of negotiating, then calls him Hitler (lol). He then leaves the conversation.
Protip: If you are in a helpless position and yoru adversary offers you a way out, but instead you say you don't like that their style involves being mean to you, that you find them annoying and compare them to a mass murderer... they may not believe that you have accepted their mercy.
Bit of background. Quickgloves then ran to SI and attempted to find a way to meet NF with military force. If the personal attack before leaving the negotiations wasn't a dismissal of the offer, plotting combat certainly was.
But lo! He comes back into the chat, surprised that "just four districts" seems to be off the table! "so what happend to only 4 distircts?", "thought u made an offer?"
The chat then becomes less relevant. (If there's any stuff in this bit I skip that frames Kane in a bad light, point it out, I'm not intentionally skipping it)
We return to the conversation with Kane explaining that if STB leave Meildolf, hostilities will cease. Quickgloves misunderstands his position and tries to negotiate a more favourable deal. Then he makes threats that he can force an ISK war. Kane explains very bluntly that "That's fine if you don't agree will take your planet anyways.", "The facts are you have an option to vacate that will allow us to work in the future."
Quickgloves declines this offer and makes further impotent threads to align with NF enemies. Then he tries to lecture Kane on diplomacy.
Kane asks what he wants in compensation for the districts. 50 for each district is the sum arrived at. This is agreed upon.
Quickgloves then maintained his "third party attacks my districts to lock them from IMPs" strategy. He logged out of Skype and returned to Enjin and DUST to talk **** about NF. None of this "slow walk NF" strategy appeared to be his commitment to the arrangement. Sometimes negotiations fall apart. Neither party believed the other was fulfilling their side of the deal.
Then the chat ends with Quickgloves sending a leading, accusation-heavy message, failing to provide any response that occurred, and then following up his "Quickgloves gets the last word" post with a "Quickgloves gets the last word twice" editorial. Stay classy, DustersBlog.