This is part 2 of my suggestion.
Here's part 1 in post #87: time passes by and the player ends up in a boot camp of their chosen faction. Along with other recruits, the player is taught by a drill sergeant in a training area. The tutorial will be split into these categories:
MovementIn this tutorial, the player learns how to sprint, crouch, jump, and hurdle (if it's a future feature) in an obstacle course. After completing the course, the option to change controller/mouse and keyboard/Playstation Move Sharpshooter settings appears.
ShootingIn a shooting range, the shooting mechanics are explained and different weapons can be swapped out to try out other shooting methods and learn what is effective against shields and armor. How to use grenades will be taught here as well.
VehiclesIn an open area, the player learns how to control vehicles, how to call and recall them, and can change their vehicle settings at the end.
MiscellaneousSquad orders, installations, hacking, melee, HUD, and orbital strikes are explained. The player is also killed on purpose to learn about the respawn screen.
After boot camp, the player is sent to their quarters. They recieve an e-mail welcoming them and suggests to start a tutorial to learn about the Neocom and chat functions. To guide the player, there will be arrows and voice recordings.
BattleExplains the games modes and battle types in the Battle Finder, the starmap, and planetary conquest
CharacterExplains the character sheet, how to skill points while suggesting what skill books to start with, the wallet, and augmentations
FittingsTeaches how to modify fittings and gives starter fits of different roles to help decide what path to take.
MarketShows what can be bought and explains that these items will be lost when killed in battle.
SocialExplains how to send and receive mail; how to use, create, and join chat channels; and how to create and join squads
CorporationExplains what corporations are; how to to create, join leave them; and corporation roles
System OperationBriefly explains that settings can be changed here
HelpBriefly explains that the tutorial is available here and can replay it at any time
*New* - EncyclopediaHas more information about New Eden history, factions, items, etc. Similar to Mass Effect's Codex
After the player is done with the tutorial and graduates from Instant Battle Academy, he/she is free to leave a mark on New Eden.