Forsaken Immortals Gentlemen's Agreement
Posted - 2013.06.05 14:35:00 -
[1] - Quote
Based on Aeon's Thread i gave some thought on what possibly could be an Annihilation Game Mode in DUST514, with connections to the lore of EVE Online.
Thread is broken up as follows:
- How to achieve this connection?
- Story Board
- The Weapon
- Basic Map Layout
- Purpose of Fusion Reactor
- Battle GÇô Fase 1
- Battle GÇô Fase 2
- Battle GÇô Fase 2.1
- End Game
How to achieve this connection?
Through an Event which makes use of what we have at the moment in EVE & DUST514 and back it up with a story. The story also serves as the catalyst as to why Annihilation Mode even exists. I'll seperate a possible Event with Guidelines (CCP is best suited for coming up with something really spectacular. Still a newbie here ):
- The Enemy operates in wormwhole space across the known Universe (EVE-Online)
- The Enemy controls a large space fleet. (EVE-Online)
- The Enemy controls and holds X Amount of Planets with X Districts (DUST514-PC)
- Objective is to deplete the Enemies Fleet Strength across the EVE Universe + create a diversion so a spy can infiltrate a specific outpost with relative ease. (Story)
EVE-Online - DUST514:
- Eve Pilots battle NPC Ships (Wave after Wave) in Planetary Orbit while assuming position for OB.
- Dust Players Attackers = The Diversion
- Dust Players Defenders = The Enemy
Story Board:
Rogue factions (not affiliated to any Eve Corporation and functioning as organized terrorist cells) have decided, after years of harsh & brutal conflicts within the Eve Universe, to band together and disrupt PI operations across the known Universe. Their mission GÇô To make every planet uninhabitable by blowing up every districtGÇÖs fusion reactor. Having been aware of these factions for some time, the various races attempted to infiltrate these rogue factions to determine by what means and methods such a brutal attack would be implemented, but to no avail. With the future & prosperity of all corporations in the balance the Minmatar, Caldari, Gallente & Amarr High Council banded together and formed a Joint Task Force with a single purpose. To find and bring forth The Mittani, The Super Spy. (skip some days/weeks)GǪ.
Having been debriefed on his mission, The Mittani >>Insert The Mittani's Personal Log of his Mission<<, >> Insert Event Here.<<. The Mittani is successful in his mission and delivers the information to the High Council.
Upon analyzing the sensitive information, Eve Scientists from every race determined 2 things:
- That the Rogue Factions would shutdown the Magnetic Confinement Systems of the Fusion Reactors by introducing a lethal computer virus into the main computational node. Such an action would in effect create a meltdown within the Fusion ReactorGÇÖs Core resulting in an explosion equivalent to 100 Doomsday Devices. Result would be an area within the confines of the district being rendered uninhabitable for X Amount of Time.
- The virus could be repurposed as a weapon if a team successfully controlled and introduced an anti-virus into the main computational node.
In the meantime, Rogue Factions having realized what really happened, activate all of their sleeper cells with the sole purpose of fullfiling there goal.
End Story....
The Weapon
EMP Pulse tuned to a specific frequency which kills off every Clone on the Defenders/Attackers side even when they have 150 clones remaining and/or MCC has HP>0. Total annihilation.
Some quick trivia from wiki:
Quote:Frequency ranges ->> An EMP pulse typically contains energy at frequencies from DC (zero Hz) to some upper limit depending on the source. The whole range of concern is sometimes referred to as "DC to daylight". with optical (infrared, light, ultraviolet) and ionizing (X and gamma rays) ranges being excluded.
Basic Map Layout
- 4 Null Cannon Installations designated A, B ,C and D (Non-Static Structures aka sockets which can be destroyed by OB)
- Fusion Reactor in the center linking all 4 Structures (Static Control Node which canGÇÖt be destroyed. LetGÇÿs call it E)
- Possible use of Sky Bridges which link the Fusion Reactor to each of the 4 Null Cannon Installations and each Null Cannon Installation link to each other (Just an idea).
Purpose of Fusion Reactor
- It serves as a starting point for an annihilation type of mood (Skip to Battle GÇô Fase 1 to know more).
- Controls A, B, C and D modus operandi (Skip to Battle GÇô Fase 2 to know more).
- Serves as the end-game trigger with a countdown timer. (Skip to End Game to know more).
Battle GÇô Fase 1
- Static Control Node (E) on battle start is on the merge of a massive meltdown (due to the virus).
- Attacker and Defender must stop this quickly (there should be a timer so no point messing around) or face total annihilation (Should give an initial boost of adrenaline).
- First team to hack it successfully and before complete meltdown saves the complex.
- Get a lot of WP for saving everyone (including the enemy team). Enter Fase 2.
Battle GÇô Fase 2
- When E is hacked, all Null Cannon Installations become hackable/unlocked. Until then they canGÇÖt be hacked.
When Teams start hacking the Null Cannon Installations 2 things happen:
- First they fire upon the respective MCC (what we got at the moment).
- Second they trigger an Overload Indicator for a massive EMP Pulse from within the Fusion Reactor. The more Null Cannon Installations a team controls the faster their respective...

Forsaken Immortals Gentlemen's Agreement
Posted - 2013.06.05 14:35:00 -
[2] - Quote
Battle GÇô Fase 2.1 (Null Cannon Installations Destruction by Orbital Strike)
As I mentioned in the beginning A, B, C and D are Socket Based Structures (CCP Language). I think an OB should be used for more than killing tanks, infantry, LAVGÇÖsGǪ..so this will add a new tactical mechanic to Annihilation Mode.
Why choose in destroying an Installation?
The destruction of an Installation results in the respective TeamGÇÖs EMP Pulse Overload Indicator to jump by 25% (to be changed).
I highlighted GÇ£respective TeamGÇÖsGÇ¥ because of this Scenario.
- Defenders are on the verge of controlling Null Cannon A.
- Attackers decide to blow up Null Cannon A to increase their Indicator by 25% just because they donGÇÖt want the Defenders to have it (So greedy).
- Attackers deploy the OB on Null Cannon A
- In the time that the Attackers make a decision and deploy the OB, Null Cannon A control status changes to the Defenders (Call it bad Karma)
- Defenders get an increase of 25% on their Indicator.
End Game
To reach the End Game Sequence the following conditions must be met (LetGÇÖs use Attackers for quick reference):
- Attackers EMP Pulse Overload Indicator must be at 100%.
- Static Control Node (E) must be under the control of the Attackers.
- When conditions 1 and 2 are met, countdown begins for the EMP Pulse. Defenders still have time to prevent there impending demise.
- If Attackers can maintain control of Static Control Node (E) from the Defenders. Boom. Total Annihilation of Clones on the Defenders Side. Attackers win.
Hope you enjoyed my idea and a big shout out to Aeon Amadi for his thread which made me write this whole thing :).
https://forums.dust514.com/default.aspx?g=posts&m=889080#post889080 |