So I've been playing Dust for almost a year now,and with the "official release" that we all are playing now,it is clear to me that CCP really doesn't have very long to keep this game viable.Now before I get flamed,let me explain my position.
E3 is right around the corner,and without major improvements,or at least an announcement or two,I think that a lot of people,myself included,will look at the future of Dust to be bleak.We all know that Sony will be showcasing the PS4 heavily at E3,and I'm willing to bet that Dust won't have much room on the floor to wow anyone this year.
So looking at E3,I ask myself,what will be the big system seller for the PS4? Well,all I have to say is that if Destiny is one of those games that Sony decides to showcase heavily at E3,it's gonna be extremely hard for Dust to remain relevant after that.Just looking at some of the little footage that I've seen,it looks like it's going to be a huge seller,and there will probably be people leaving in droves to play it.Now this is all assuming that CCP still hasn't gotten their $h!7 together with this game by that time.
Along with Destiny,there are just way too many other games that are coming out for a lot of people to want to come back to Dust in the state that it's in,and what I mean by that isn't content or lack there of,but more of the technical side of things.People will put up with a laggy game with subpar controls for only so long before they finally move on to something that they enjoy more.Hell,it's already started to happen.don't see 8k+ people online at one time anymore.
CCP's carrot on the stick tactics of making a game is just wrong for consoles,and if they don't make some sweeping improvements,then it's going to be an epic disaster for them.Also,I will always be confused at how you are supposed to balance a game when you don't even have half of the content in it.So looking another year down the road,when we have all of the guns from all of the races,there will be more crying from the players that are left of how the Minmitar AR needs a buff,or how the Caldari SMG is OP.You create more work for yourselves when you try to balance like this.
I have to admit,while I LOVE the concept of Dust,I'm finding the game to be losing a lot of it's luster.I know that it might sound like I'm ranting,but I'm not.I'm actually sadden by the stark realization that this game may never live up to the vision that was presented to us.Maybe the problem is that Dust is a game that's too ahead of it's time,or maybe it's just that the CCP bit off more than they could chew,either way,I still stand firm in my belief that the clock is ticking for them.Let's just hope for gaming's sake that they get it right before they run out of time.
CCP is running out of time to fix Dust before people leave to play other games.