Jakar Umbra
Posted - 2013.05.29 04:43:00 -
[1] - Quote
I wrote this in another thread that had this same question in the General Discussion forums. Maybe it might be a bit more appreciated here. If you have one, want to share yours? Also, it's "Your clone's story".
FDI's been doing some digging on any Gallente that became clone mercenaries. To be expected I suppose. Managed to hack my file; at least the more basic version of it since there's no way this could be the original since its been butchered. Some of the more interesting stuff is in a couple of the interviews, which I do have the manuscripts for. These have also been butchered mind you.
>>Interview JU-003<< >>Interviewer: Major [REDACTED]
*Major [REDACTED] sits in a chair with a console in front of him, leafing through some data. The sound of a door opening can be heard. A Minmatar, hair in locks and covered in a variety of tattoos, walks in, salutes and takes a seat at the desk after being motioned to do so.
Major: Good afternoon.
Minmatar: Sir.
Major: State your name for the interview.
Minmatar: Sergeant Hakram Shakor.
Major: Let's get straight to it. Tell me what you know about Jakar Umbra.
*Shakor raises an eyebrow.
Shakor: A dead man.
Major: Not quite. Now I'll request once again you tell me what you know about Jakar Umbra.
Shakor: Where do you want me to start?
Major: Tell me what you know about him prior to his joining the Federation Army.
Shakor: That should be in his file but okay. He was born in Luminaire if I remember correctly; not Seven mind you. I think it was three or four; whichever one it was. Parents were both fullblooded Gallente. His mother died in an accident involving Serpentis on Luminaire VII when he was five. His father met an Intaki a few months later and they had a son, his brother, Atani. Jakar became a cadet at a pretty young age. He trained Field Support - logistics, medic, mechanics, engineering, that sorta thing when he started specializing under me.
Major: Anything else?
Shakor: Explosives Ordnance.
Major: Explains alot. Tell me about him personally.
Shakor: What about him?
Major: Political stance, any alliegences...
Shakor: Okay... He has little love for the Caldari and is a huge Minmatar supporter, having lived with them for a few years of his life when he was younger.
*The Major makes a note on his console.
Major: Continue.
Shakor: There's not much else. He believes in what the Gallente stand for, but doesn't believe in some of the more extreme measures.
*The Major nods.
Major: I see. Tell me about the [REDACTED] Incident.
Shakor: You mean the one involving the Eagles?
*Shakor visibly chuckles.
Shakor: One other thing about Jakar is that he was an excellent hacker. He found out about a mission involving the Black Eagles and some Gallente citizens. Apparently he went AWOL to intervene.
Major: He was a part of your unit. You didn't know?
Shakor: He didn't tell anyone.
*Lie detector results inconclusive
Major: What do you know about the incident?
Shakor: Only what the news said. You'd have to ask the Eagles for that report.
Major: Very well. Dismissed.
*Shakor stands, salutes and leaves. >>End Interview<<
>>Interview JU-004<< >>Interviewer: Major [REDACTED]
*Major [REDACTED] sits rubbing his head, looking at a console. The door opens. In walk a man with a black uniform, who salutes and takes a seat.
Major: State your name.
Subject: Agent [REDACTED]
Major: This is about the [REDACTED] Incident. Particularly everything involving Jakar Umbra.
*Subject's voice altered in recording.
Subject: Where do you want me to start?
Major: What was your mission?
Subject: Our mission involved infiltrating [REDACTED] and interrogating and eliminating [REDACTED].
Major: Something went wrong. What was it?
Subject: We infiltrated the AO no problem but someone tipped them off.
Major: Umbra.
Subject: We found out his name later.
Major: So what happened?
Subject: Within a few minutes everything went from standard procedure to FUBAR.
Major: How so?
Subject: A hell of a gunfight, three agents dead and the escape of two high value targets. Umbra secured the HVTs and helped them fight us off. They fought us all the way to a station to get off planet, where it all came to a head. Umbra set off a series of high explosives, shutting us off from the station while the HVTs escaped. He died in the explosions making sure they got off planet.
Major: Who were the HVTs?
Subject: That's classified.
Major: We need to know why Umbra would have intervened. Who were they and why were they HVTs?
Subject: Give me a second.
*At this point an outside signal from a Neocom is detected. Moments later the subject looks at the Major.
Subject: I've been given clearance provided all the necessary measures are put in place.
Major: Everything will be edited and only top personnel will be able to access this file in its entirety anyway.
Subject: Excellent. The targets were...
[Three minutes of data REDACTED]
Subject: So why are we talking about Umbra?
Major: It seems he's now part of the clone mercenary programme. We're checking any Gallente we've found out are a part of that programme.
Subject: I see. Our agencies may have some things to communicate about. >>End interview<< |