Radar R4D-47 wrote:
That was a double stacked PC when you were an ally. Notice how few FA there really was. The reason I personally feel slighted by your history is you always leave out your growing pains. You leave out the 3 weeks of finding the talent that you did. You leave out the fact that 0.H gave your teams PC so you could practice and only fear of losing 0.H resources. You leave out how you acquired your first 3 districts given to you by 0.H.
My history is as hazy as yours I'm sure it's been so long ago but there are a few things I don't forget. It's the reason some older 0.H members are salty is because we helped you become a corp and as soon as you stood on your own two feet you chose Cubs and all the enemies we were fighting instead of allying yourself with those that helped you succeed. That was the biggest slap in the face I had ever received.
As far as 0.H never being a good team getting "Thrashed" by TP,AE,FA. Stay salty. I dnt need to defend my PC career as most of any battles against those teams were fought tooth and nail and usually came down to a single clutch speed hack on either side.
I was indeed an ally. Still am in fact...Tibs will always be my ally.
I actually just referred to the 3 weeks within the last page...lmao. Unprovoked..I have no secrets that it took 3 weeks of time before we got into PC...not only because Cubs reneged on his word to provide me with like 500mill to get into PC if TP ever left the game...but also because I paid off Kobrah's bet to Rampy...out of my own wallet.
I had to ring to have enough money to get FA started.
I didn't even have a 16 man team to get into PC until week 3 lmao. So yeah, there's no hiding or anything there...I've never disregarded that time...but 3 weeks to find no name players like dwater and ttw3x and jenova?? G/L replicating those results.
Taking them and forming them into a team that competed successfully against the best team in the game after a month of it's inception?! OH dreams it could boast the same.
We didn't have the playing field OH had under Hellstorm's and EoN's umbrella fighting noob PC corps.
You got high and mighty on the forums and attacked ONE of the best and got stomped...attacked THE BEST and kept matches close with flaylock crutches which we adapted and beat you at your own pathetic game.
OH never gave FA anything...OH paid us for helping them win battles vs AE.
And a month later FA offered OH a whole planet. Which you would only accept 1 and we defended it for you...at great political peril...damning our own fragile alliance with ERA built to as Arirana once said "double penetrate" AE.
I had contracts aplenty from STB/ML/ToP/VC/DDB/TCD and many more if I needed 'practice' OH never helped us at all with the exception being that they paid us for helping them in the war...you gave us districts you were about to lose...which we defended successfully. So yeah...thanks OH. And we tried to return the favor WITH INTEREST!
The only person who got to play for OH for 'practice' if you could call it that was me...when Tibs would invite me to play for OH in their games vs AE "for fun"
OH indeed REFUSED FA help until the war. Again...revisionist history.
Who did we go to defend in a war vs AE? OH
Who did we offer a planet to and defended the lone district you swallowed your pride to accept? OH
Who came to our aide when we lit the fires at Minas Tirith? Rohan.Iiiii mean OH!
What corp did we throw battles against so that DNS wouldn't obtain 100%? OH!!
And who decided to rewrite our corps friendship into a gross misinterpretation for their own selfish pride...OH.

FA still extends the hand of friendship even now.
Everyone makes mistakes bud, we still see the history FA and OH were capable of weaving as a stone left unturned.
I only wish your pride hadn't been the stumbling block that prevented our aspirations from being willed into actualization.
I wanted OH to be allies more than anything...but your ego prevailed in peppering pride into your pedantic antics...at the cost of your corporation.
Had Tib's been leader of OH since inception OH would have been the greatest corp of all time.
Instead under your leadership OH suffered political suicide, poor management, and failure despite your charisma.