I-Shayz-I wrote:When I first started playing this game I died at least 10 times per match, and found the menu system frustrating and confusing.
I came back about a week later and figured out how to use the fitting system, and then started talking to players, and I eventually joined a corporation.
I then found out about the different kinds of equipment, and started using repair tools acting like a medic. People thought I was really good at that so I skilled into them more.
Once the game left beta I had to restart all of my progress and so I left the corp and started playing solo again. This time around, I was fortunate to squad with a few members of ZionTCD including one of their directors. I did exceptionally well that match (earned enough for my own orbital) and they asked me to join. A few weeks later I was representing Zion.
Fast forward 3 months and now I'm active on their website and have made a big impact in-game. I play a battle with one of their better members and top the corp's high scores for points in a match. Now the leadership has noticed my ability and they talk to me about leading one of their divisions.
A month goes by and now I'm a division leader letting the rest of our players know how to train skills and how to be effective in combat. The game releases and now we're fighting for districts on planets in order to take over the system one planet at a time.
Then today, we are losing clones in our weakest disctrict. If the enemy takes this spot on the planet it could mean hundreds of isk lost and clones wasted. If we don't win this next battle it could mean spending more unnecessary time and money trying to get it back.
Now I'm in a battle keeping a squad of heavy gunners alive as we defend an objective. They know I'm a good Logistics players so they are now relying on me to do my job well. In the middle of the battle they send in an orbital which wipes out our squad. The enemy quickly hacks 3 of the 4 objectives while we're unable to get in position. I quickly spawn back in and get an uplink set up to have our guys come in from the backside. I keep our force staying alive through the spray of bullets as we turn the objectives back to our side and run them out of clones.
My small actions in this game have led to where I am now, and it has made my experience so much more enjoyable.
This is why I love this game. This is the bigger scale of it all. This is DUST.