Beren Hurin
OMNI Endeavors Reverberation Project
Posted - 2013.05.20 15:59:00 -
[1] - Quote
Below are my thoughts on the value of the current isk values of the Eve/Dust Links. We mercenaries should start to consider our value to our skyborn brethren, unless we are cool with slavery, which a vast portion of you have seemed to be...scroll down for the TLDR if you can't be bothered with some sloppy mathing.
So right now Eve side, each cargo hub will reduce POS fuel usage by 5% up to 20% for 4 hubs on one planet. Each research lab reduces manufacturing time by 10% up to 40% for a max of 4 labs.
For cargo hubs, at pre- ice-spike levels, this would mount to 12 million isk/mo saved for a large POS/district. So near 50ish, per moon, per month. For research labs IGÇÖm not as familiar with POS manufacturing, but I was able to run a few numbers and estimate fairly conservatively, that a 40% manufacturing time increase could probably net you at a pretty low end at least +150 million in additional profit per month, probably easily into ~500 million per month. So weGÇÖll say ~40 million per district per moon per month.
Naturally, the districts with the most moons stand to benefit the most with their Eve connection. Therefore, we SHOULD see them becoming mostly Research Lab/ Cargo hub districts.
Hrober V, Aeditide VI, and Sakulda VI all have 3 moons. This means they are worth approximately at least 36 million isk/mo per district, or up to 150 million isk per month for a planet with 4 cargo hubs. A district on this planet with one of four allied research labs could easily net around 125 million isk/month per district for 500ish million isk / month for four labs.
So planets that have at least 8 districts could stack these bonuses so that a single fully upgraded planet (4 labs/4hubsGÇönot sure if this is possible, cant see PC map atm) would be worth 600 million+ isk/month Eve side (and probably much more for highly organized manufacturers)
7 planets in Molden Heath have 2 moons eachGǪ
My guess is that, with current prices/bonuses/values etc, for the eve/dust link to matter in terms of planetary system infrastructure, the value of an Eve connection to Dust players (from labs/hubs) will have to be more than that of the daily GÇÿincomeGÇÖ that production facilities generate.
Production facilities generate an income of 8 million isk/day, while other facilities generate 6.4 million isk/day. So production facilities generate an extra 60 million isk/month per district than labs or hubs.
IOW/TL;DR- Unless it was profitable for Eve corps to pay Dust corps AT LEAST 60 million isk per month, per district, and still be making a profit worth risking orbital fleets for, then there wonGÇÖt be an enduring reason to maintain an Eve relationship (barring any other changes). If CCP is looking to tune the Eve/Dust trade rate based on the PC connection to Eve we SHOULD expect it to be better than a 90% tax rate...probably closer to 50% or even less.
A 90% tax rate would mean that, to GÇÿpay offGÇÖ 8 districts on an upgraded planet like Hrober V, would cost 4.8 billion isk in order to get its estimated estimated 600 million isk per month bonus.
A 50% tax rate would cost almost 1 billion isk (still small profit except for people manufacturing rare T2 and T3 goods)
Note: I might be off on the order of magnitude of the profits from POS assembly arrays because I wasnGÇÖt sure how to use the calculator I found, in which case, even a 90% tax rate would still only be possibly on the best 3 planets. |