Laurent Cazaderon
What The French CRONOS.
Posted - 2013.05.20 16:29:00 -
[1] - Quote
Choose Your Fighter wrote:To create a role within a community like this, that has influence over the flow and evolution of the game is stupid and just show's a lack of regard for the player base. CCP tells you they do this because they care, but in actual fact, they do this so they dont have to pay someone to do it.
The bottom line is, they should be a part of the community, interacting with all aspects of the world they have created, not just posting generic comments to 1 post out of 100.
The fact that 2 CPM's are members of the same corp speaks leaps and bounds. The role should be filled by an impartial body,
Get rid of DEV's and CPM tags on the forums and instead, everyone becomes an equal. If CCP dosnt know the desires of their playerbase, and have to elect meaningless roles to do their work for them their game will fail.
I think you're very much mistaking our role regarding CCP. CPM is not supposed to dictate the evolution of the game but to add another layer of interaction between the community and the developpers from a 100 % player POV.
We dont go around talking devs saying we want this and we want that. But more of what do you plan ? What do you think of this and that ? When is this planned etc.. ?
And all those question come from observations we do regarding forum chatters, players in game, or our own vision of the game. But we try very much to put aside what we would wish and what the community seems to wish.
Another thing you're lefting out is that current CPM has been picked by CCP but next CPM will be elected by players. How, that's another thing we need to figure out, one of our main missions. So this isnt a lack of regard to the community as you're seem to think it is. It's quite the opposite. We'll only see in due time whether or not this CPM and the next will have a positive impact on the game but until then, a little faith wont hurt.
You mention how CCP needs to be more in touch with the community, and with that i couldnt agree more. CPM is actually trying to push them in that direction by being more transparent regarding the changes they bring to the game, even so little, so that the community can give feedback PRIOR to the changes and thus validate or not their intention.
CPM can be a usefull tool for both CCP and the community. It is only a matter of trying how to reach that purpose. |