Okay yes I posted this the other day, but I hope to now go into further detail about how much Dust sucks because of one thing.
Lack of teamwork.
Been playing Dust off and on since the early beta days. And I've noticed that people play this game exactly like CoD or Battlefield.
Run and gun and don't help ANYONE unless it directly benefits you. I realize that's why I hate this game.
"Get a corp" : Corps don't help, I've been in them. And every time I try to take the role of squad leader and do some real PTFO'ing, people bi*** at me because I sound bossy. And most corps just mass recruit instead of actually paying any attention to how good a player is or how they act, or if they listen. Happened with 3 of the major corps i was in.
Nanohives, nanoinjectors, repair tools, drop uplinks: Nobody uses them. Every once in a while I might see a nanohive, but that's it. When I die it says "TRIAGE UNIT DETECTED IN THE VICINITY" standing on top of my body shooting at a sniper across the map with a militia SMG. This happens ALL the time, in every game mode. A triage unit will be one foot away and not do anything.
I haven't even seen anyone use a drop uplink yet. Not since I was in corp battles.
Never seen anyone use a repair tool.
General idiocy: Oh my goodness, the amount of sheer stupidity I see in this game is off the charts. I will be pinned down behind a rock with two guys coming at me, my ENTIRE team will be not even 20 yards away, and they pay no attention to the enemy.
How blind or stupid do you have to be to not see someone ONE FOOT in front of you?
Even with me screaming into the microphone "Pinned down, need covering fire." nobody pays any attention.
See a tank? "Oh I better shoot at it with my scrambler pistol. That's sure to kill it!" ...What?
Microphones: Nobody uses them except for me. And when they do use them, it's usually a dog barking, a baby screaming, or a 10 year old "MOOOOOOOOOM, GET ME A GRILLED CHEEEEEESE" followed by them smacking their lips like a stoned horse that hasn't had grass for a week. Oh and of course the random noise generators which produce ear curdling loud noises into your eardrums.
Bad squad leaders: These are the worst. The ones that don't use any squad commands, EVER. Oh wait, that's all of them. Or if they do happen to set a defend order, they do it on themselves then instantly die. or they set it on themselves and charge towards a tank.
For these reasons I have gone lone wolf and have decided to help nobody but myself, if you won't help me, I won't help you. I'm tired of carrying teams single handed. It's gotten so bad I don't even go for objectives anymore. I just counter-snipe. I've never had an even remotely smart squad in a PUB. Never.
There should be some kind of filter for games. One that says "Smart people who can aim, get kills, and use team-work"
and the other that says "For 99.9% of Dust players that can't aim for sh*t, never use teamwork, and go 0/53 every game."
All I'm asking for is for ONE group of people to show me there is hope that I can find smart people on this game. Ones that use mics, teamwork, skill, and nanoinjectors.

"There seems to be no sign of intelligent life on this planet"