Jaron Pollard wrote:
AKA, "please CCP make it easier for me to cross the big scary maps faster so I don't have to use cover or tactics of any kind. Tactics make my brain hurt too much, and I'd rather not have to think about them."
"Please CCP, make the game just like Call of Duty where I can insta-switch weapons as an alternative to reloading, which essentially cancels out the drawback of reloading in the first place and makes it easier to spam more rounds on my target because I can't aim."
"Please CCP, make it unpossible for anyone to be able to hit me so I can ninjaknife them, just like in COD, so that even a shotgun to an armour-tanked light won't have enough effect to stop it."
Seriously. If you wanna play COD, go play COD. That's what all this sounds like to me. Any changes they make in these regards will be changed across the board, for your opponents too. That is, they'll be crossing the map just as quickly, they'll be swapping weapons just as quickly, and they'll be ninjknifing just as fast, which means it will all balance out again, and you'll have the same problems you had before.
Allow me to introduce myself.
My name is BattleCry1791. I'm a member of and former clan leader of PFB, which is now part of PFBHz. Before becoming one of the top ten clans on this game, we were a top five clan on the game MAG for two years.
I hate CoD. Most of our members do. We like a bit more out of our gaming than TDM and dropping a nuke. We play objective based game modes and we win a lot more than we lose.
While it's true some of our members may be requesting some things that may be self centered, most of us actually want to see some sort of common sense or balance in the games we play.
For example. As to your first point. What cover are you talking about? Sniping is a lot less common in this game compared to previous builds. Due to the overall range nerf, it doesn't matter how far away you see someone. You literally have time to stop of at starbucks, get a latte (like all you hipster douchebags like to do), and read a review of the local theatre company's production of the vagina monologues before either of you are in range to engage.
My argument is simple. Let's get to the action faster by increasing stamina. That's all. Now, there is one thing that would have to be implemented that I didn't think of in my initial post, and that's increasing the amount of stamina that jumping takes since there would be so much excess stamina available. There's no hidden agenda. I just want to make the game more interesting and get to the meat of it faster. It won't affect anyone adversely with the exception of snipers and tankers who snipe, and those guys can adjust.
What do you think a side arm is FOR genius? It's a damn back up weapon. Why do you need a back up weapon? In Case you're main weapon runs out. This isn't difficult. Now, in the real world, there may be different uses for a side arm (R. Lee Ermy has some great comments regarding the 1911 vs the Beretta in such regards). But in the case of a video game, the secondary weapon is a back up. Having it take FOREVER to swap to it or to throw a grenade is crap. The grenade especially because by the time you can actually throw it, the group you want to frag has already dispersed, negating their effectiveness due to a game mechanic.
And lastly, as to scout speed. Look at the Minmatar scout suit. It's literally designed to be a ninja knife suit. Go ahead. Look at it. And right now it's not effective. Should guys be able to go 45-0 with it? No, way too much. That'd be broken. But right now players move just as fast going backwards as they do going forwards. Since the knives don't hold a charge and the speed difference isn't that different, the ninjas are completely ineffective. If CCP wants to create that game dynamic and offer that playstyle for players that like it, then they need to go all the way supporting it. And I say that as someone who plays primarily as a Heavy, a Logi, or a Tanker. Again, I don't run scout, but from the limited times I have, I can see that a dedicated scout player isn't getting the build he thought he would. That's called thinking of someone other than yourself. You should try it sometime, jack ass.
In conclusion, I'd like to state that, again, these are just common sense items that don't take a lot of brain power to figure out. Understandably, you don't get it. Stamina should be increased to create faster to the battle play. The current swap speeds aren't just slow, they're wonky and unpredictable, thus broken. And Scouts need to be faster so that they can actualy play the role they are built for.
TLDNR version? **** off, the adults are speaking.