I've been bothered by something about DUST for a while, and I think I've finally put my finger on it. Many thanks to noShwagg, and to the Uprising build for making this problem so over the top.
Feedback:FULL DISCLOSURE: I play as a heavy.
Range is a huge problem in this game. More so with Uprising.
Here is why: CCP has decided to use a
hard range as a metric to differentiate classes.
In no other game is this the case. In practice, it is ridiculous. Rounds stop in mid air.
This is absurd.
Sure, in other games and in reality there is different
effective damage at range depending on the weapon. But this is not
primarily dictated by distance. It is dictated by
accuracy of shooter, rate of fire (ROF), and Round Power - Damage Falloff.
Request:CCP Should:
1) Remove hard range cap on all weapons. Rounds should travel to their natural terminus; in practice this means across the map. (shhhhhh...just listen)
2) Weapon classes should be dictated by:
- Handling (Kick)
- Round Power
Example (categorized by effective damage/range, from long to short):1) Long Range Weapons - Sniper Rifle/Forge Gun
-Extremely High Kick
-Low ROF
-High Power
Skill with Long Range Weapons comes from:
Being a player with excellent aim, despite:
-Extremely High Kick
-Extremely Low ROF
2) Assault Weapons (Broadly) - ARs/LRs/SMGs/Shotguns/Pistols
-Average Kick
-Average ROF
-Average Power
Skill with Assault Weapons comes from:
Being a player with excellent aim, despite:
-Average Kick
-Average ROF
-Average Power
3) Heavy Weapons - HMGs
-Extremely High Kick
-High ROF
-High Power
Skill with Heavy Weapons comes from:
Being a player with excellent aim, despite:
-Extremely High Kick
Do you see a theme here? Excelling at a particular weapon involves having excellent aim despite it's drawbacks.
This is where people will say "Range is a drawback of your class, deal." Even an extremely skilled heavy player should have almost no chance of killing someone at sniper range. This should be due to simple geometry; the barrel bounce of an HMG is causing HUGE angle sway on rounds as range increases. This should not be due to the rounds entering a parallel universe at 50 yards.
Occasionally, an HMG, AR, or Pistol round should hit that sniper on the hill....
Some will say, this will eliminate CQC. I would agree to some extent, but only in that the maps lack cover and depth. If you added in more cover and ways to approach and move around, you would force squad movement and engagement at closer ranges. A lack of CQC is an approach issue, not a weapon range issue.
As it is right now, you see people shooting at each other over
completely reasonable ranges...I'm talking I could throw a football that far...and their rounds
aren't reaching each other. This is ridiculous!!!
TL;DR?Extend range of ALL weapons to common round ranges. No more vanishing rounds.
Differentiate weapons by their other drawbacks, and the users ability to handle them.