Surt gods end
Demon Ronin
Posted - 2013.05.07 12:29:00 -
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So your not an avid FPS player, or more of a mmo player. Seeing the tears and rage in these threads must have you confused huh?
Well let little old surt clear up the muk. There are quite a few FPS players here that didn't bail on the first 2 hours of playing this game. No they didn't dismiss it, cause they saw the potential of what a great fps dust could be. FPS.
But see there are also TWO KINDS OF FPS PLAYERS HERE. The solos (tribes, resistance, killzone, BF, Unreal, ext) Not all are cod. You really think an average cod player would still be here? come on.
Then you have The team FPS players. (Mag, socom, vegas 2, planet side, Arma, ext) some of them came with part of there clans. Not all, cause I know some of there members won't touch this game with a ten foot pole.
OK now, why the rage? well you see, for the team based players, mostly I've see come here from MAG they are upset about the HMG. WHY? Cause thats probably what they used in mag. ALL MY CLAN AT ONE POINT RAN IN MAG WITH HMG. VALOR BABY. Don't tell me what that means.. lol But you see if the ONLY GAME THEY PLAYED AND ROCKED IS MAG, then they shouldn't blast this game too bad. cause in any other TEAM FPS, THE HMG IS NOT IDEAL.
Yes FPS players I'm blowing up your spots. Cause some of you, (not naming) Are thinking yourselves the best cause you were only, ONLY good at mag. Dominate in a few more FPS, team or solo. And then, AND THEN COME TO DUST TO CRITIZE.
I'm an avid FPS player, but I cant defend those that are only whining on here cause NOW they are losing cause they got ONE weopon taken away. GOOD FPS PLAYERS. STAY GOOD. No matter weapon changes.
Ask the MAG vets, or SoCOM vets, or planetside vets.
Now you mmo players... DUST RIGHT NOW IS A 6 out of 10 as a FPS. And I'm being nice. The skills baby, what can new player do in this game, that didn't have a large pool of sp to play with? Never mind FPS players. I doubt we will see too many of those come into here. maybe 1-2. but not like before. **** FUZE demo is out today, and tho sony die hard farted on it, I bet they play that, before this. lol
Anyway this is surt. I'm a scout. I stealth kill on here. cause I'm a lover, not a fighter. and I love all you ladies on here. later days. |
Surt gods end
Demon Ronin
Posted - 2013.05.07 12:43:00 -
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Smoky The Bear wrote:another mindless zombie AR herdmember,, Without heavys/ MDs'/ Etc to worry about isnt dust just a herd of AR's running around like a lynchmob?
When do we light these torches? .. Hey.. I got a question what if one member of the mob gets seperated from the mob?
If you run ONLY one weopon. You suck in another fps. like one buddy told me on mag. "with the HMG, I'm god."
My reply "I use every weopon. I'm what god wishes he could be" some games you even had to, for the exp they dished out.
MAG. Medic first. THEN HMG.